Blood of Hashut

This powerful alchemical substance is saturated with daemonic magic that bursts into molten flame upon contact with metal.

Single use. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a model equipped with one or more vials of the Blood of Hashut can make a single attack to expend one vial. Make a single roll To Hit. If successful, the enemy suffers D6 hits.
These hits can be directed against a unit or against a single enemy model.

When rolling To Wound, the target number is the same as the armour value of the model(s) hit. For example, if the model(s) hit wear heavy armour, the target number for the rolls To Wound would be 5+, the same as the armour value of heavy armour. No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by the Blood of Hashut (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). Hits caused by the Blood of Hashut have the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.