Beastmen Brayherds

Beastmen Brayherds

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Rules and Equipments used by the army

*Giant Attacks
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack, a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does: Giant Attacks Table D6 Result 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule. 6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy. For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
*Giant Attacks
Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Pick Up And… attack, a Giant may choose to make a ‘Giant Attack’. To make a Giant Attack, nominate an enemy unit that the Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Giant Attacks table below to determine what the Giant does: Giant Attacks Table D6 Result 1 ’Eadbutt: The Giant singles out a lone enemy and ’eadbutts them. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). 2 Belly Flop: The Giant crashes down bodily upon the enemy. Place a small (3") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2. 3-4 Mighty Swing: The Giant swings its club through the enemy ranks. For this attack, the Giant is subject to the Random Attacks special rule and has an Attacks characteristic of D6+1, and the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. 5 Thump With Club: The Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of an enemy unit the Giant is engaged with to be the target of this attack. For this attack, the Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+4, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (D6) special rule. 6 Jump Up & Down: The Giant jumps around, kicking and flattening the enemy. For this attack, the Giant does not use its club. Instead, the target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And… attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: • If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect. Next, roll a D6: • On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. • On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must make another Initiative test. This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until the target unit is destroyed. Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting rank of the enemy unit.
*Pick Up And…
Sometimes, Giants forget there is a battle raging around them and, when faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, will become distracted, reaching down and grabbing enemies by the handful. What happens to these unfortunate souls varies; some are thrust into a sack or under the Giant’s clothing for later, others are eaten on the spot, and still others are tossed carelessly aside to bounce off the scenery. Whatever the case, such unfortunates are rarely seen again. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase or making a Giant Attack, a Giant that is engaged in combat with one or more units whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Pick Up And…’ attack. To make a Pick Up And… attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Giant is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: • If this test is failed, a victim is picked up by the Giant. What happens next does not bear thinking about but, whatever it is, a single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to duck and dodge away from the Giant’s grasping hands. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect. Next, roll a D6: • On a roll of 1-3, the Giant forgets what it is doing and makes no further attacks. • On a roll of 4+, the Giant attempts to pick up another enemy. The target unit must make another Initiative test. This continues until the Giant forgets what it is doing and stops making attacks, or until the target unit is destroyed. Enemy models removed from play are considered to have been removed from the fighting rank of the enemy unit.
Slaughterer’s Call
The bloodlust of a Minotaur Champion is infectious. When blood is scented, all rational thought is driven from the minds of those around them, replaced with an unquenchable thirst for slaughter. Whilst this model is Frenzied, any unit it has joined will also become Frenzied.
Slaughterer’s Call
The bloodlust of a Minotaur Champion is infectious. When blood is scented, all rational thought is driven from the minds of those around them, replaced with an unquenchable thirst for slaughter. Whilst this model is Frenzied, any unit it has joined will also become Frenzied.
Arma a dos manos
Great Weapon
Arma de mano y escudo
Hand Weapon
Armadura ligera
Light armour
Armadura pesada
Heavy armour
Armour Bane
Armour Bane
Ensorcelled Weapons
The blighted furnaces of Zharr-Naggrund endlessly churn out heavy, black-bladed weapons, each inscribed with dark runes that glow with an evil light. A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Ensorcelled Weapons
The blighted furnaces of Zharr-Naggrund endlessly churn out heavy, black-bladed weapons, each inscribed with dark runes that glow with an evil light. A hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has the Magical Attacks special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1. Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Armoured Hide
Armoured Hide
Stomp Attacks
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan. Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’: - Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’, ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’. - Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’. - Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’ or ‘behemoth’. Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -3. ’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them. The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the target unit must immediately make an Initiative test: - Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty. - Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule.
Poisoned Attacks
Poisoned Attacks
Impactos por Carga
Impact Hits
Maddening Aura
So ghastly and unnatural is a Jabberslythe, that a mere glance can drive all sanity and reason from the minds of those that behold it. Wherever such a beast passes, brave souls fall shrieking and babbling in its wake. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, any enemy unit that is within 8" of this model, including units that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).
Maddening Aura
So ghastly and unnatural is a Jabberslythe, that a mere glance can drive all sanity and reason from the minds of those that behold it. Wherever such a beast passes, brave souls fall shrieking and babbling in its wake. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, any enemy unit that is within 8" of this model, including units that are fleeing or that are engaged in combat, must make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the unit suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).
Swallow Whole
As the Ghorgon rampages through the enemy’s battle line, it feeds hungrily upon its foes. As it does so, its flesh flushes red and wounds re-knit. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Ghorgon that is engaged in combat with one or more units of ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Swallow Whole’ attack. To make a Swallow Whole attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Ghorgon is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: • If this test is failed, the Ghorgon grabs a victim from the unit and stuffs them into its gullet. A single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to avoid the grasping Ghorgon. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect. Each time an enemy model is removed from play in this way, the Ghorgon recovers a single lost Wound.
Swallow Whole
As the Ghorgon rampages through the enemy’s battle line, it feeds hungrily upon its foes. As it does so, its flesh flushes red and wounds re-knit. During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Ghorgon that is engaged in combat with one or more units of ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Swallow Whole’ attack. To make a Swallow Whole attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Ghorgon is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test: • If this test is failed, the Ghorgon grabs a victim from the unit and stuffs them into its gullet. A single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. • If this test is passed, the warriors manage to avoid the grasping Ghorgon. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect. Each time an enemy model is removed from play in this way, the Ghorgon recovers a single lost Wound.
Motley Crew
Motley Crew
Bestial Charge
Driven by their hatred of civilisation and order, Beastmen Gors fall upon the foe with terrible ferocity, their crude weapons and horned skulls granted strength by the fury of their charge. During a turn in which it made a charge move of 3" or more, a model with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic.
Bestial Charge
Driven by their hatred of civilisation and order, Beastmen Gors fall upon the foe with terrible ferocity, their crude weapons and horned skulls granted strength by the fury of their charge. During a turn in which it made a charge move of 3" or more, a model with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to its Strength characteristic.
Blood Greed
At times, the blood-fuelled frenzy of the Beastmen is so great that they fall upon their foes in a butcherous rage, feeding upon the flesh of the fallen in the heat of battle. Whilst Frenzied, this model has a +2 modifier to its Attacks characteristic (rather than the usual +1). However, such is this model’s desperate need to feed upon flesh that it rolls only a single D6 when making a Pursuit roll (rather than the usual 2D6).
Blood Greed
At times, the blood-fuelled frenzy of the Beastmen is so great that they fall upon their foes in a butcherous rage, feeding upon the flesh of the fallen in the heat of battle. Whilst Frenzied, this model has a +2 modifier to its Attacks characteristic (rather than the usual +1). However, such is this model’s desperate need to feed upon flesh that it rolls only a single D6 when making a Pursuit roll (rather than the usual 2D6).
Blood Rage
In the tumult of battle, Beastmen are easily overcome by their primal urges, becoming frenzied with a bloodlust that can only be slaked with an excess of slaughter. If, when testing to see if it becomes subject to Primal Fury (see page 116), this unit passes its Leadership test with any roll of a natural double, it will also become Frenzied. A unit with this special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
Blood Rage
In the tumult of battle, Beastmen are easily overcome by their primal urges, becoming frenzied with a bloodlust that can only be slaked with an excess of slaughter. If, when testing to see if it becomes subject to Primal Fury (see page 116), this unit passes its Leadership test with any roll of a natural double, it will also become Frenzied. A unit with this special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Bonegrinder Giant's club
R S AP Special Rules Combat * * * Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Carved from the horn of a slain rival, the clarion call of a brayhorn is a chieftain’s summons to any Beastmen who hear it. From the beginning of round 2 onwards, if your General is on the battlefield during the Command sub-phase of their turn, they may attempt to sound the Brayhorn by making a Leadership test. If this test is passed, you may immediately roll again for each unit of Ambushers in the army that is held in reserve and that did not arrive during the Start of Turn sub-phase of this turn. Note that this special rule may only be used by a Beastlord or Wargor that has been selected to be the General of the army.
Carved from the horn of a slain rival, the clarion call of a brayhorn is a chieftain’s summons to any Beastmen who hear it. From the beginning of round 2 onwards, if your General is on the battlefield during the Command sub-phase of their turn, they may attempt to sound the Brayhorn by making a Leadership test. If this test is passed, you may immediately roll again for each unit of Ambushers in the army that is held in reserve and that did not arrive during the Start of Turn sub-phase of this turn. Note that this special rule may only be used by a Beastlord or Wargor that has been selected to be the General of the army.
Cayado de la manada
As a crude badge of office, Bray-Shamans often carry a heavy staff hung with bones, shells and skulls, with pieces of stone and metal embedded into its length. When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, it must choose to use its Braystaff offensively or defensively. Used offensively, a Braystaff counts as a great weapon. Used defensively, a Braystaff counts as a hand weapon and gives its wielder an Armour Value of 5+.
As a crude badge of office, Bray-Shamans often carry a heavy staff hung with bones, shells and skulls, with pieces of stone and metal embedded into its length. When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, it must choose to use its Braystaff offensively or defensively. Used offensively, a Braystaff counts as a great weapon. Used defensively, a Braystaff counts as a hand weapon and gives its wielder an Armour Value of 5+.
The very ground itself trembles and shakes beneath the unstoppable thunder of a Minotaur’s charge. Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
The very ground itself trembles and shakes beneath the unstoppable thunder of a Minotaur’s charge. Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Calloused Hide
counts as light armour
Fast Cavalry
Cavalry Spear
Cavalry Spear
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Ogre Charge
Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with. The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
Chariot Runners
Chariot Runners
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
Claws And Fangs
counts as hand weapons
R S AP Special Rules Cleaver-limbs Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer Monster
R S AP Special Rules Cleaver-limbs Combat S -2 Killing Blow, Monster Slayer Monster
Close Order
Close Order
Foe Render
The crude weapons of Beastmen are empowered by their bearer’s primal hatred for the trappings of civilisation. Whilst subject to Primal Fury, a hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
Foe Render
The crude weapons of Beastmen are empowered by their bearer’s primal hatred for the trappings of civilisation. Whilst subject to Primal Fury, a hand weapon carried by a model with this special rule has an Armour Piercing characteristic of -2. Note that this special rule only applies to a single, non-magical hand weapon and does not apply to a model’s mount (should it have one). If the model is using two hand weapons or any other sort of weapon, this special rule ceases to apply.
counts as hand weapon
counts as hand weapon
Razor Tusks
Tuskgors and Razorgors bristle with viciously sharp tusks and spines which, when charged into the enemy, can wreak utter devastation. During a turn in which it charged, the Armour Piercing characteristic of a Tuskgor’s or Razorgor’s tusks (hand weapon) is improved by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a Tuskgor or Razorgor, not to a chariot or its crew.
Razor Tusks
Tuskgors and Razorgors bristle with viciously sharp tusks and spines which, when charged into the enemy, can wreak utter devastation. During a turn in which it charged, the Armour Piercing characteristic of a Tuskgor’s or Razorgor’s tusks (hand weapon) is improved by 1. Note that this special rule only applies to attacks made by a Tuskgor or Razorgor, not to a chariot or its crew.
Lore of Beasts
Bray-Shamans are born into magic, and wield it with an instinctive ease. A palpable miasma of fell sorcery surrounds them and when their wrath is roused, reality itself is distorted and maimed. Tree roots twist and writhe at their passing, the undergrowth boils with unholy life and repugnant parasites scurry at their feet.
Lore of Beasts
Bray-Shamans are born into magic, and wield it with an instinctive ease. A palpable miasma of fell sorcery surrounds them and when their wrath is roused, reality itself is distorted and maimed. Tree roots twist and writhe at their passing, the undergrowth boils with unholy life and repugnant parasites scurry at their feet.
Centigors are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious liquor before battle. While this sometimes turns them into berserk fighters, it can also severely incapacitate them. During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, roll on the Drunken table for each unit with this special rule that is not currently Frenzied, that is not engaged in combat and that is not fleeing: Drunken Table D6 Result 1 Unsteady: The unit has become somewhat unsteady. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Random Movement special rule and its Movement characteristic becomes D6+2. 2-5 Sobering Up: The alcohol has no discernible effect upon the unit. 6 Belligerent Drunks: The unit has turned quite belligerent. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Frenzy special rule. A unit with this special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
Centigors are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious liquor before battle. While this sometimes turns them into berserk fighters, it can also severely incapacitate them. During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, roll on the Drunken table for each unit with this special rule that is not currently Frenzied, that is not engaged in combat and that is not fleeing: Drunken Table D6 Result 1 Unsteady: The unit has become somewhat unsteady. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Random Movement special rule and its Movement characteristic becomes D6+2. 2-5 Sobering Up: The alcohol has no discernible effect upon the unit. 6 Belligerent Drunks: The unit has turned quite belligerent. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Frenzy special rule. A unit with this special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.
Zancada Veloz
First Charge
First Charge
Flailing appendage
counts as hand weapons
Flailing appendage
counts as hand weapons
Primal Fury
Goaded on by their chieftains and shamans, and enraged by the presence of intruders on their bloodgrounds, Beastmen become consumed by a savage fury, tearing apart the hated foe. When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, it must make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, the unit becomes subject to ‘Primal Fury’ until the end of this Combat phase. A unit subject to Primal Fury may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.
Primal Fury
Goaded on by their chieftains and shamans, and enraged by the presence of intruders on their bloodgrounds, Beastmen become consumed by a savage fury, tearing apart the hated foe. When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, it must make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, the unit becomes subject to ‘Primal Fury’ until the end of this Combat phase. A unit subject to Primal Fury may re-roll any rolls To Hit of a natural 1.
Gaze Of The Gods
Beastmen strive to become Champions of Chaos and earn the favour of the Ruinous Powers. But the gods are fickle, and their blessing can be a curse. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the Gods table: Gaze of the Gods Table D6 Result 1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for the remainder of the game. If they already have this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership (to a minimum of 2). 2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their enemies. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum of 10). Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).
Gaze Of The Gods
Beastmen strive to become Champions of Chaos and earn the favour of the Ruinous Powers. But the gods are fickle, and their blessing can be a curse. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, a character with this special rule may choose to roll on the Gaze of the Gods table: Gaze of the Gods Table D6 Result 1 Damned by Chaos: The Champion is beset with visions of the Realm of Chaos. This model becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule for the remainder of the game. If they already have this special rule, they suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership (to a minimum of 2). 2 Unnatural Quickness: To the Champion, time itself seems to slow around them. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 3 Iron Skin: Beneath their baroque armour, the Champion’s skin becomes like iron. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 4 Murderous Mutation: Long tentacles whip from beneath the Champion’s armour to grasp at their enemies. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 5 Dark Fury: A terrible rage grips the Champion. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to their Attacks characteristic (to a maximum of 10). 6 Apotheosis: The Champion is blessed with daemonic vitality. For the remainder of the game, this model gains a +1 modifier to both their Strength and Leadership characteristics (to a maximum of 10). Note that any benefits granted by the Gaze of the Gods apply only to the Champion, not to their mount (should they have one).
The swirling melee of combat is an indistinct blur to the Cygor, confusing and disorientating. Enemies imbued with magic, however, it can see with unearthly clarity. During the Combat phase, a Cygor may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made against enemy Wizards, enemy models or units equipped with any magic items, or enemy models or units with a Ward or Regeneration save.
The swirling melee of combat is an indistinct blur to the Cygor, confusing and disorientating. Enemies imbued with magic, however, it can see with unearthly clarity. During the Combat phase, a Cygor may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made against enemy Wizards, enemy models or units equipped with any magic items, or enemy models or units with a Ward or Regeneration save.
Giant’s Club
R S AP Special Rules Giant’s club Combat * * * Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.
Giant’s Club
R S AP Special Rules Giant’s club Combat * * * Notes: *A Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending upon what they do with it, as described in the Giant Attacks special rule.
Spurting Bile Blood
When harmed, a Jabberslythe’s boiling, acidic blood sprays its enemies, burning through their armour and into their flesh. For each Wound this model loses during the Combat phase, the attacking enemy unit suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -1.
Spurting Bile Blood
When harmed, a Jabberslythe’s boiling, acidic blood sprays its enemies, burning through their armour and into their flesh. For each Wound this model loses during the Combat phase, the attacking enemy unit suffers a Strength 4 hit, with an AP of -1.
Large Target
Large Target
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Wicked Claws
R S AP Special Rules Wicked claws Combat S -2 -
Hurl Attack
R S AP Special Rules Hurl attack 12-36" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3+1) Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 3" blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table). The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.
Hurl Attack
R S AP Special Rules Hurl attack 12-36" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3+1) Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule and a 3" blast template. If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, this model loses a single Wound (instead of rolling on a Misfire table). The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.
Immune To Psychology
Immune To Psychology
Slythey Tongue
R S AP Special Rules Slythey tongue 12" 5 -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot Monster
Slythey Tongue
R S AP Special Rules Slythey tongue 12" 5 -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot Monster
The presence of a Cygor is intensely unsettling to any nearby Wizards, for they know Cygors crave their souls above all else. Any enemy Wizard that wishes to cast a spell whilst within 12" of one or more Cygors must first make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the Wizard has lost their nerve and, should they fail to cast the spell (i.e., should their casting result be less than the casting value of the spell), the spell has been miscast and the active player immediately rolls on the Miscast table to see what fate befalls the unfortunate Wizard. If this test is passed, the Wizard can continue with their casting attempt as normal.
The presence of a Cygor is intensely unsettling to any nearby Wizards, for they know Cygors crave their souls above all else. Any enemy Wizard that wishes to cast a spell whilst within 12" of one or more Cygors must first make a Leadership test. If this test is failed, the Wizard has lost their nerve and, should they fail to cast the spell (i.e., should their casting result be less than the casting value of the spell), the spell has been miscast and the active player immediately rolls on the Miscast table to see what fate befalls the unfortunate Wizard. If this test is passed, the Wizard can continue with their casting attempt as normal.
Mark Of Chaos Undivided
Beastmen are truly the children of Chaos and, as such, they worship the Gods of Chaos as a pantheon, rarely favouring any one deity above the others. Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.
Mark Of Chaos Undivided
Beastmen are truly the children of Chaos and, as such, they worship the Gods of Chaos as a pantheon, rarely favouring any one deity above the others. Models with the Mark of Chaos Undivided can re-roll any failed Fear, Panic or Terror test.
Move Through Cover
Move Through Cover
Random Movement
Random Movement
Open Order
Open Order
The Quickening Storm
Bathed in invigorating lightning, Dragon Ogres are warded against the effects of hostile magic. A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile or a Magical Vortex spell. In addition, if a model with this special rule, or the unit it belongs to, suffers one or more hits from Storm Call (see page 104), it becomes ‘Quickened’. A Quickened model has a +1 modifier to both its Initiative and Attacks characteristics. This Quickening lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.
The Quickening Storm
Bathed in invigorating lightning, Dragon Ogres are warded against the effects of hostile magic. A model with this special rule has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile or a Magical Vortex spell. In addition, if a model with this special rule, or the unit it belongs to, suffers one or more hits from Storm Call (see page 104), it becomes ‘Quickened’. A Quickened model has a +1 modifier to both its Initiative and Attacks characteristics. This Quickening lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Scaly Skin
counts as Heavy armour
Random Attacks
Random Attacks
Stony Stare
Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone. At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal)
Stony Stare
Where the creature’s gaze falls, its enemies turn painfully to stone. At the start of each Combat phase, enemy models in base contact with this model must make an Initiative test. If this test is failed, they suffer D3 Strength 2 hits, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal)
Storm Call
The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to summon storms and call lightning down from the heavens. This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1. This model can cast this Bound spell even if it is engaged in combat: Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 7+ Range: Self Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all units within 6" of this model (friend or foe), including units engaged in combat and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Storm Call
The oldest Dragon Ogres are able to summon storms and call lightning down from the heavens. This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 1. This model can cast this Bound spell even if it is engaged in combat: Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 7+ Range: Self Effect: If this Bound spell is cast, all units within 6" of this model (friend or foe), including units engaged in combat and this model, suffer D3 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -1.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Chaos Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.
Troll Vomit
R S AP Special Rules Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - Notes: A Chaos Troll that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made (including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically.

Magic Items usable by the army

Arcane Familiar
Many Wizards are accompanied by familiars gifted with arcane knowledge. These creatures constantly whisper secrets to their master. The owner of an Arcane Familiar knows spells from two Lores of Magic, rather than the usual one. When determining the spells the Wizard knows, you must roll for each Lore separately. Duplicate spells are re-rolled as normal. The Wizard may discard one randomly generated spell as normal, replacing it with the signature spell of the same Lore of Magic.
Arcane Familiar
Many Wizards are accompanied by familiars gifted with arcane knowledge. These creatures constantly whisper secrets to their master. The owner of an Arcane Familiar knows spells from two Lores of Magic, rather than the usual one. When determining the spells the Wizard knows, you must roll for each Lore separately. Duplicate spells are re-rolled as normal. The Wizard may discard one randomly generated spell as normal, replacing it with the signature spell of the same Lore of Magic.
Armour Of Destiny
The potent Armour of Destiny protects its wearer from all but the most grievous of harm. The Armour of Destiny is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Armour Of Destiny
The potent Armour of Destiny protects its wearer from all but the most grievous of harm. The Armour of Destiny is a suit of heavy armour. In addition, its wearer has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Armour Of Meteoric Iron
This heavy armour was forged of ore mined from a meteor that fell from the heavens. The Armour of Meteoric Iron gives its wearer an armour value of 5+, which cannot be improved in any way. However, nor can this armour value be reduced in any way either.
Armour Of Meteoric Iron
This heavy armour was forged of ore mined from a meteor that fell from the heavens. The Armour of Meteoric Iron gives its wearer an armour value of 5+, which cannot be improved in any way. However, nor can this armour value be reduced in any way either.
Armour Of Silvered Steel
Polished to a mirror shine, the Armour of Silvered Steel encases its wearer from head to toe. The Armour of Silvered Steel is a suit of armour that gives its wearer an armour value of 3+ which cannot be improved in any way.
Armour Of Silvered Steel
Polished to a mirror shine, the Armour of Silvered Steel encases its wearer from head to toe. The Armour of Silvered Steel is a suit of armour that gives its wearer an armour value of 3+ which cannot be improved in any way.
Axe of Men
A single, mighty stroke from this fearsome axe can cut even the most powerful warrior clean in half, a sight which emboldens the bearer’s followers and horrifies their enemies in equal measure. R S AP Special Rules Axe of Men Combat S -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks. Notes: Should the wielder of the Axe of Men kill an enemy character (including champions) in a challenge, they gain the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game.
Axe of Men
A single, mighty stroke from this fearsome axe can cut even the most powerful warrior clean in half, a sight which emboldens the bearer’s followers and horrifies their enemies in equal measure. R S AP Special Rules Axe of Men Combat S -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks. Notes: Should the wielder of the Axe of Men kill an enemy character (including champions) in a challenge, they gain the Terror special rule for the remainder of the game.
Bedazzling Helm
A gleaming helm that confuses and confounds enemies, causing their blows to fall wide of their mark. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Bedazzling Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, any enemy model that directs its attacks against the wearer during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Bedazzling Helm
A gleaming helm that confuses and confounds enemies, causing their blows to fall wide of their mark. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Bedazzling Helm improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, any enemy model that directs its attacks against the wearer during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.
Berserker Blade
Quenched in the blood of untold fallen enemies, the Berserker Blade eternally hungers for battle. R S AP Special Rules Berserker Blade Combat S+1 - Frenzy, Magical Attacks
Berserker Blade
Quenched in the blood of untold fallen enemies, the Berserker Blade eternally hungers for battle. R S AP Special Rules Berserker Blade Combat S+1 - Frenzy, Magical Attacks
Biting Blade
The serrated length of the Biting Blade cuts through armour of plate and mail with terrible ease. R S AP Special Rules Biting Blade Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
Biting Blade
The serrated length of the Biting Blade cuts through armour of plate and mail with terrible ease. R S AP Special Rules Biting Blade Combat S -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
Burning Blade
Once unsheathed, the cutting edge of the Burning Blade writhes endlessly with a living flame. R S AP Special Rules Burning Blade Combat S - Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks
Burning Blade
Once unsheathed, the cutting edge of the Burning Blade writhes endlessly with a living flame. R S AP Special Rules Burning Blade Combat S - Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks
Charmed Shield
A simple shield hung with charms and fetishes to bring the bearer good fortune. In the heat of battle, such ornamentation rarely survives intact for long. The Charmed Shield is a shield. In addition, once per game the Charmed Shield gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against a single wound. Once this Ward save has been used, the Charmed Shield is considered to be an ordinary, non magical shield.
Charmed Shield
A simple shield hung with charms and fetishes to bring the bearer good fortune. In the heat of battle, such ornamentation rarely survives intact for long. The Charmed Shield is a shield. In addition, once per game the Charmed Shield gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against a single wound. Once this Ward save has been used, the Charmed Shield is considered to be an ordinary, non magical shield.
Dark Heart
Beastmen rip the still beating hearts from their defeated rivals. In battle, they will feed upon these grisly trophies, claiming the strength of their vanquished enemies. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Dark Heart can consume it. The model immediately recovers one lost Wound.
Dark Heart
Beastmen rip the still beating hearts from their defeated rivals. In battle, they will feed upon these grisly trophies, claiming the strength of their vanquished enemies. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Dark Heart can consume it. The model immediately recovers one lost Wound.
Jagged Dagger
This potent sacrificial tool radiates the pain and anger of a thousand ritual offerings made to the Ruinous Powers. The Jagged Dagger can only be used by a Wizard that has joined a unit. Before making a Casting roll, the bearer of the Jagged Dagger may make a sacrifice. One model belonging to the bearer’s unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. The bearer may then modify their Casting roll by adding the Wounds characteristic of the sacrificed model to the result. Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Jagged Dagger
This potent sacrificial tool radiates the pain and anger of a thousand ritual offerings made to the Ruinous Powers. The Jagged Dagger can only be used by a Wizard that has joined a unit. Before making a Casting roll, the bearer of the Jagged Dagger may make a sacrifice. One model belonging to the bearer’s unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty. The bearer may then modify their Casting roll by adding the Wounds characteristic of the sacrificed model to the result. Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.
The magic trapped within this semi-precious stone binds together shattered armour plates. The bearer of the Dawnstone may re-roll any Armour Save roll of a natural 1.
The magic trapped within this semi-precious stone binds together shattered armour plates. The bearer of the Dawnstone may re-roll any Armour Save roll of a natural 1.
Dispel Scroll
The Wizard reads aloud a charm of unbinding from an enchanted scroll. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the Wizard is outclassed in the art.
Dispel Scroll
The Wizard reads aloud a charm of unbinding from an enchanted scroll. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting a Wizardly dispel. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Dispel roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the Wizard is outclassed in the art.
Dragon Slaying Sword
A mighty blade, wielded by many great heroes in their endless quests to slay foul monsters. R S AP Special Rules Dragon Slaying Sword Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer
Dragon Slaying Sword
A mighty blade, wielded by many great heroes in their endless quests to slay foul monsters. R S AP Special Rules Dragon Slaying Sword Combat S - Magical Attacks, Monster Slayer
Duellist’s Blades
Fine weapons, forged by the greatest of swordsmiths and imbued with potent runes of quickening. R S AP Special Rules Duellist’s Blades Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+2), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Duellist’s Blades
Fine weapons, forged by the greatest of swordsmiths and imbued with potent runes of quickening. R S AP Special Rules Duellist’s Blades Combat S -1 Extra Attacks (+2), Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Earthing Rod
Inert metal runs the length of the Wizard’s staff, drawing magical overloads safely into the earth. Single use. Should they miscast a spell, a Wizard can use the Earthing Rod to re-roll the result rolled on the Miscast table.
Earthing Rod
Inert metal runs the length of the Wizard’s staff, drawing magical overloads safely into the earth. Single use. Should they miscast a spell, a Wizard can use the Earthing Rod to re-roll the result rolled on the Miscast table.
The Mangelder saps the strength of its victims’ minds as well as of their bodies, and those few who survive wounds inflicted by the weapon rarely fight again. R S AP Special Rules Mangelder Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Terror. Notes: The wielder of the Mangelder causes Terror. Any enemy unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Mangelder suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2) until the end of the turn.
The Mangelder saps the strength of its victims’ minds as well as of their bodies, and those few who survive wounds inflicted by the weapon rarely fight again. R S AP Special Rules Mangelder Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks, Terror. Notes: The wielder of the Mangelder causes Terror. Any enemy unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from the Mangelder suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2) until the end of the turn.
Enchanted Shield
A finely crafted and sturdy shield that protects its bearer from harm time and time again. The Enchanted Shield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.
Enchanted Shield
A finely crafted and sturdy shield that protects its bearer from harm time and time again. The Enchanted Shield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a non-magical enemy attack.
Feedback Scroll
When read aloud, this charm causes ætheric energy to flood back towards the enemy Wizard. Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, roll two D6. For each roll of a 4+, the casting Wizard loses a single Wound.
Feedback Scroll
When read aloud, this charm causes ætheric energy to flood back towards the enemy Wizard. Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, roll two D6. For each roll of a 4+, the casting Wizard loses a single Wound.
Hagtree Fetish
A crudely carved effigy of a hagtree, this shamanic heirloom can spell doom for the Bray-Shaman’s foe when brandished with the appropriate curse. Whenever the bearer of the Hagtree Fetish successfully casts a Magic Missile, they may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
Hagtree Fetish
A crudely carved effigy of a hagtree, this shamanic heirloom can spell doom for the Bray-Shaman’s foe when brandished with the appropriate curse. Whenever the bearer of the Hagtree Fetish successfully casts a Magic Missile, they may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound.
Flying Carpet
Woven from the finest silks in a far-off land, this splendid rug does more than warm the feet! Models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ only. The bearer of the Flying Carpet gains the Fly (8) and Swiftstride special rules. However, the bearer cannot join a unit.
Flying Carpet
Woven from the finest silks in a far-off land, this splendid rug does more than warm the feet! Models whose troop type is ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ only. The bearer of the Flying Carpet gains the Fly (8) and Swiftstride special rules. However, the bearer cannot join a unit.
Horn of the First Beast
This immeasurably ancient, fossilised horn is said to be taken from the skull of the First Beast. When it is sounded, Beastmen find the savage fury of their race swelling within their hearts. Unless the bearer of the Horn of the First Beast is fleeing, any friendly unit that is within 18" of this model may use its Leadership characteristic when testing for Primal Fury.
Horn of the First Beast
This immeasurably ancient, fossilised horn is said to be taken from the skull of the First Beast. When it is sounded, Beastmen find the savage fury of their race swelling within their hearts. Unless the bearer of the Horn of the First Beast is fleeing, any friendly unit that is within 18" of this model may use its Leadership characteristic when testing for Primal Fury.
Giant Blade
A broad and heavy blade wrought with powerful enchantments that only increase the weight of its blows, the Giant Blade is an unsubtle weapon. R S AP Special Rules Giant Blade Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)
Giant Blade
A broad and heavy blade wrought with powerful enchantments that only increase the weight of its blows, the Giant Blade is an unsubtle weapon. R S AP Special Rules Giant Blade Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2)
Glittering Scales
Each and every scale of this armoured surcoat is crafted from shards of precious metal. The Glittering Scales is a suit of light armour. In addition, once per turn, you may make your opponent re-roll a single roll To Hit made against the wearer.
Glittering Scales
Each and every scale of this armoured surcoat is crafted from shards of precious metal. The Glittering Scales is a suit of light armour. In addition, once per turn, you may make your opponent re-roll a single roll To Hit made against the wearer.
Headsman’s Axe
A wide bladed axe, steeped in the blood of its countless helpless victims. R S AP Special Rules Headsman’s Axe Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Headsman’s Axe
A wide bladed axe, steeped in the blood of its countless helpless victims. R S AP Special Rules Headsman’s Axe Combat S+1 -1 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
Healing Potion
Purveyors of magical potions make many bold claims. Sometimes they are true, sometimes not. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Healing Potion can consume it. The model immediately recovers D3 lost Wounds.
Healing Potion
Purveyors of magical potions make many bold claims. Sometimes they are true, sometimes not. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Healing Potion can consume it. The model immediately recovers D3 lost Wounds.
Hunter’s Spear
Crafted to fell the mighty beasts of the far north, this thick-hafted spear bears enchantments allowing it to penetrate yards of flesh and muscle, skewering the foe through-and-through. R S AP Special Rules Hunter’s Spear 24" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2), Through & Through. Notes: The Hunter’s Spear shoots like a bolt thrower, using the ‘Through & Through’ special rule.
Hunter’s Spear
Crafted to fell the mighty beasts of the far north, this thick-hafted spear bears enchantments allowing it to penetrate yards of flesh and muscle, skewering the foe through-and-through. R S AP Special Rules Hunter’s Spear 24" 6 -3 Cumbersome, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2), Through & Through. Notes: The Hunter’s Spear shoots like a bolt thrower, using the ‘Through & Through’ special rule.
The Blackened Plate
This battered suit of plate mail is blackened with the soot of burning palaces and temples. The Blackened Plate is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.
The Blackened Plate
This battered suit of plate mail is blackened with the soot of burning palaces and temples. The Blackened Plate is a suit of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer has a 3+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by an attack that has the Flaming Attacks special rule.
The Plague Chalice
This rotted wooden chalice is filled with a vile brew of blood and pus. Any Shaman that sups from it is wracked with pain, even as raw magic courses through their veins. If the bearer of the Plague Chalice rolls any natural double when making a Casting roll (not including rolls of a natural double 1), the spell is cast as a perfect invocation, regardless of its casting value or of any other modifiers. However, each time the bearer casts a perfect invocation, they suffer a Strength 4 hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
The Plague Chalice
This rotted wooden chalice is filled with a vile brew of blood and pus. Any Shaman that sups from it is wracked with pain, even as raw magic courses through their veins. If the bearer of the Plague Chalice rolls any natural double when making a Casting roll (not including rolls of a natural double 1), the spell is cast as a perfect invocation, regardless of its casting value or of any other modifiers. However, each time the bearer casts a perfect invocation, they suffer a Strength 4 hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
Lore Familiar
By creating a magical homunculus, a Wizard is able to better recall forgotten details of their studies. The owner of a Lore Familiar does not randomly generate their spells. Instead, they may choose which spells they know from their chosen lore (including that lore’s signature spell).
Lore Familiar
By creating a magical homunculus, a Wizard is able to better recall forgotten details of their studies. The owner of a Lore Familiar does not randomly generate their spells. Instead, they may choose which spells they know from their chosen lore (including that lore’s signature spell).
Can luck be trapped within a dull stone pendant? Possibly. Single use. The bearer of a Luckstone can re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.
Can luck be trapped within a dull stone pendant? Possibly. Single use. The bearer of a Luckstone can re-roll a single failed Armour Save roll.
Primeval Club
This ancient club, bound in cracked leather and infested with spiders and slugs, has been stained red with blood since the dawn of civilisation and is the bane of all order and hope. R S AP Special Rules Primeval Club Combat * -3 Hatred (Empire), Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks. Notes: The Strength characteristic of the Primeval Club is equal to the current Leadership characteristic of the model that wields it.
Primeval Club
This ancient club, bound in cracked leather and infested with spiders and slugs, has been stained red with blood since the dawn of civilisation and is the bane of all order and hope. R S AP Special Rules Primeval Club Combat * -3 Hatred (Empire), Magical Attacks, Poisoned Attacks. Notes: The Strength characteristic of the Primeval Club is equal to the current Leadership characteristic of the model that wields it.
Obsidian Lodestone
An air of chill hangs about obsidian, stilling the Winds of Magic in its presence. A model may purchase up to three Obsidian Lodestones. A model that bears a single Obsidian Lodestone has Magic Resistance (-1), a model that bears two has Magic Resistance (-2), and a model that bears three has Magic Resistance (-3).
Obsidian Lodestone
An air of chill hangs about obsidian, stilling the Winds of Magic in its presence. A model may purchase up to three Obsidian Lodestones. A model that bears a single Obsidian Lodestone has Magic Resistance (-1), a model that bears two has Magic Resistance (-2), and a model that bears three has Magic Resistance (-3).
Ogre Blade
A broad and heavy blade, the Ogre Blade is, much like its namesake, an unsubtle weapon. R S AP Special Rules Ogre Blade Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Ogre Blade
A broad and heavy blade, the Ogre Blade is, much like its namesake, an unsubtle weapon. R S AP Special Rules Ogre Blade Combat S+2 -2 Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (D3)
Paymaster’s Coin
This heavy golden coin may not be enchanted, but its weight in its owner’s pocket certainly inspires heroism. Single use. The bearer of a Paymaster’s Coin can re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the Combat phase.
Paymaster’s Coin
This heavy golden coin may not be enchanted, but its weight in its owner’s pocket certainly inspires heroism. Single use. The bearer of a Paymaster’s Coin can re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made during the Combat phase.
Skin of Man
The wearer of this flayed and sigil-encrusted human pelt is under a glamour, making them appear no more than a particularly ugly peasant. When the skin is cast aside, the awful truth is revealed. Beastmen Chieftains and Beastmen Shamans whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Skin of Man gains the Scouts and Vanguard special rules.
Skin of Man
The wearer of this flayed and sigil-encrusted human pelt is under a glamour, making them appear no more than a particularly ugly peasant. When the skin is cast aside, the awful truth is revealed. Beastmen Chieftains and Beastmen Shamans whose troop type is ‘infantry’ only. The wearer of the Skin of Man gains the Scouts and Vanguard special rules.
Pelt of the Dark Young
The Pelt of the Dark Young is shrouded in tendrils of darkness that gather about the wearer. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Pelt of the Dark Young improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, its wearer (and any unit they have joined) has Magic Resistance (-2).
Pelt of the Dark Young
The Pelt of the Dark Young is shrouded in tendrils of darkness that gather about the wearer. May be worn with other armour. The wearer of the Pelt of the Dark Young improves their armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). In addition, its wearer (and any unit they have joined) has Magic Resistance (-2).
Stone of Spite
Contained within this glowing stone is the soul of an Ungor, slain in a hideous ritual. When crushed underhoof, a wave of bitterness and spite is released, banishing the Winds of Magic. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may use the Stone of Spite. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all Wizards (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to their Casting rolls.
Stone of Spite
Contained within this glowing stone is the soul of an Ungor, slain in a hideous ritual. When crushed underhoof, a wave of bitterness and spite is released, banishing the Winds of Magic. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, if they are not engaged in combat, this character may use the Stone of Spite. Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all Wizards (friend or foe) suffer a -2 modifier to their Casting rolls.
Potion Of Foolhardiness
A magical brew that fills the drinker with courage… it may actually just be strong liquor. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Foolhardiness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Potion Of Foolhardiness
A magical brew that fills the drinker with courage… it may actually just be strong liquor. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Foolhardiness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model gains the Immune to Psychology special rule.
Potion Of Speed
A powerful potion with a terrible aftertaste that sharpens the wits and speeds the reactions. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Speed can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Potion Of Speed
A powerful potion with a terrible aftertaste that sharpens the wits and speeds the reactions. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Speed can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Potion Of Strength
A concoction of strength-giving vegetables and roots, mixed together with a touch of magic. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Strength can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Strength characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Potion Of Strength
A concoction of strength-giving vegetables and roots, mixed together with a touch of magic. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Strength can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Strength characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Potion Of Toughness
Distilled by magical means, this potion is sure to make the drinker all but invulnerable. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Toughness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Potion Of Toughness
Distilled by magical means, this potion is sure to make the drinker all but invulnerable. Single use. During the Command sub-phase of their turn, the bearer of a Potion of Toughness can consume it. Until the end of that turn, the model has a +D3 modifier to its Toughness characteristic (to a maximum of 10).
Power Scroll
Unfurling a scroll bearing runes of power can greatly increase the spell’s power. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to cast a spell. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Casting roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell is miscast.
Power Scroll
Unfurling a scroll bearing runes of power can greatly increase the spell’s power. Single use. A Wizard may use this scroll when attempting to cast a spell. If they do so, roll an extra D6 when making the Casting roll and discard the lowest result. However, if a double 1 is rolled on any two of the dice rolled, the spell is miscast.
Ruby Ring Of Ruin
Uttering a simple command, the wearer of the ring can hurl a flaming ball of ruin at their foes. The wielder of the Ruby Ring of Ruin can cast the Fireball spell from the Lore of Battle Magic (as described on page 321) as a Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2.
Ruby Ring Of Ruin
Uttering a simple command, the wearer of the ring can hurl a flaming ball of ruin at their foes. The wielder of the Ruby Ring of Ruin can cast the Fireball spell from the Lore of Battle Magic (as described on page 321) as a Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2.
Rune of the True Beast
This sigil of pure savagery is carved into the flesh of only the mightiest Beastlords, causing even the greatest of monsters to cower before the unbridled ferocity of this raging predator. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘monster’ suffer a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic whilst within 6" of the bearer of the Rune of the True Beast.
Rune of the True Beast
This sigil of pure savagery is carved into the flesh of only the mightiest Beastlords, causing even the greatest of monsters to cower before the unbridled ferocity of this raging predator. Enemy models whose troop type is ‘monster’ suffer a -1 modifier to their Weapon Skill characteristic whilst within 6" of the bearer of the Rune of the True Beast.
Scroll Of Transmogrification
For a Wizard, there are few things better than the rush of joy felt upon turning a rival into a frog! Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, the casting player must roll equal to or lower than the casting Wizard’s Level of Wizardry on a single D6. Should they fail, the Wizard turns into a frog. Whilst transmogrified, the Wizard cannot cast or dispel any spells, cannot use any of their equipment (magical or mundane) and reduces all of their characteristics (excluding Wounds) to 1. During each Start of Turn sub-phase, a player may roll a D6 for each transmogrified Wizard in their army. On a roll of 4+, the Wizard returns to normal (but retains a love of water).
Scroll Of Transmogrification
For a Wizard, there are few things better than the rush of joy felt upon turning a rival into a frog! Single use. The bearer may use this scroll instead of making a Wizardly dispel attempt. The spell is cast as normal. Once the spell has been resolved, the casting player must roll equal to or lower than the casting Wizard’s Level of Wizardry on a single D6. Should they fail, the Wizard turns into a frog. Whilst transmogrified, the Wizard cannot cast or dispel any spells, cannot use any of their equipment (magical or mundane) and reduces all of their characteristics (excluding Wounds) to 1. During each Start of Turn sub-phase, a player may roll a D6 for each transmogrified Wizard in their army. On a roll of 4+, the Wizard returns to normal (but retains a love of water).
Shield Of The Warrior True
A heavy shield of oak and iron that turns aside all but the most deadly of missiles. The Shield of the Warrior True is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.
Shield Of The Warrior True
A heavy shield of oak and iron that turns aside all but the most deadly of missiles. The Shield of the Warrior True is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered during the Shooting phase.
Spelleater Axe
Forged of rune-encrusted brass, the Spelleater Axe is anathema to the Winds of Magic. R S AP Special Rules Spelleater Axe Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2)
Spelleater Axe
Forged of rune-encrusted brass, the Spelleater Axe is anathema to the Winds of Magic. R S AP Special Rules Spelleater Axe Combat S -1 Magical Attacks, Magic Resistance (-2)
The Winds of Magic lose their power when in the presence of the brass-bound Spellshield. The Spellshield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile, a Magical Vortex, or an Assailment spell.
The Winds of Magic lose their power when in the presence of the brass-bound Spellshield. The Spellshield is a shield. In addition, its bearer has a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered that were caused by a Magic Missile, a Magical Vortex, or an Assailment spell.
Sword Of Battle
A simple weapon, yet finely crafted, blessed by mighty mages and revered priests. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Battle Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Extra Attacks (+1), Magical Attacks
Sword Of Battle
A simple weapon, yet finely crafted, blessed by mighty mages and revered priests. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Battle Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (1), Extra Attacks (+1), Magical Attacks
Sword Of Might
Bound around with powerful runes that increase its power and enhance the strength of its bearer. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Might Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
Sword Of Might
Bound around with powerful runes that increase its power and enhance the strength of its bearer. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Might Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
Sword Of Striking
Engraved with runes of accuracy and swiftness, the Sword of Striking is an elegant weapon of great precision. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Striking Combat S - Magical Attacks Notes: During the Combat phase, the wielder of the Sword of Striking has a +1 modifier to their rolls To Hit.
Sword Of Striking
Engraved with runes of accuracy and swiftness, the Sword of Striking is an elegant weapon of great precision. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Striking Combat S - Magical Attacks Notes: During the Combat phase, the wielder of the Sword of Striking has a +1 modifier to their rolls To Hit.
Sword Of Swiftness
Crafted from magically attuned materials and ensorcelled to strike as if with a life of its own. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Swiftness Combat S - Magical Attacks, Strike First
Sword Of Swiftness
Crafted from magically attuned materials and ensorcelled to strike as if with a life of its own. R S AP Special Rules Sword of Swiftness Combat S - Magical Attacks, Strike First
Talisman Of Protection
A powerful magical aura surrounds this humble talisman, protecting its wearer from harm. The Talisman of Protection gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Talisman Of Protection
A powerful magical aura surrounds this humble talisman, protecting its wearer from harm. The Talisman of Protection gives its bearer a 5+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.
Wand Of Jet
Carved from brittle jet, this wand refines a Wizard’s power, but is easily broken. The bearer of the Wand of Jet may apply a +1 modifier to any of their Casting or Dispel rolls. However, should they roll any natural double when making a Casting or Dispel roll, the Wand of Jet is destroyed and it cannot be used again. Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Wand Of Jet
Carved from brittle jet, this wand refines a Wizard’s power, but is easily broken. The bearer of the Wand of Jet may apply a +1 modifier to any of their Casting or Dispel rolls. However, should they roll any natural double when making a Casting or Dispel roll, the Wand of Jet is destroyed and it cannot be used again. Note that this is a modifier to the result of a roll – it does not negate a roll of a natural double 1.
Wizarding Hat
This splendid hat, once the property of a long dead Wizard, is still haunted by their ghost. The wearer is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated spell from a Lore of Magic of your choosing. However, the whispers of the ghostly Wizard haunting the hat are often confusing. Therefore, the wearer also becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule.
Wizarding Hat
This splendid hat, once the property of a long dead Wizard, is still haunted by their ghost. The wearer is a Level 1 Wizard and knows one randomly generated spell from a Lore of Magic of your choosing. However, the whispers of the ghostly Wizard haunting the hat are often confusing. Therefore, the wearer also becomes subject to the Stupidity special rule.

Magic Standards usable by the army

Banner Of Iron Resolve
No regiment that stands beneath the Banner of Iron Resolve has ever fled from the foe. A unit carrying the Banner of Iron Resolve gains the Stubborn special rule.
Banner Of Iron Resolve
No regiment that stands beneath the Banner of Iron Resolve has ever fled from the foe. A unit carrying the Banner of Iron Resolve gains the Stubborn special rule.
Banner of Outrage
This stolen standard has been befouled and stained as a terrible affront to the enemy. Its presence drives Beastmen to ever more vile extremes of savagery. A unit carrying the Banner of Outrage may re-roll its Leadership test when testing for Primal Fury.
Banner of Outrage
This stolen standard has been befouled and stained as a terrible affront to the enemy. Its presence drives Beastmen to ever more vile extremes of savagery. A unit carrying the Banner of Outrage may re-roll its Leadership test when testing for Primal Fury.
Manbane Standard
The Manbane Standard is a corpse beset by carrion birds. Any who behold it are filled with the dread that it will be upon their eyes that the birds next feast. All enemy units within 6" of the model carrying the Manbane Standard suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Manbane Standard
The Manbane Standard is a corpse beset by carrion birds. Any who behold it are filled with the dread that it will be upon their eyes that the birds next feast. All enemy units within 6" of the model carrying the Manbane Standard suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).
Rampaging Banner
As a matter of honour, those that fight beneath the Rampaging Banner are always first into the fray. When a unit carrying the Rampaging Banner declares a charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll.
Rampaging Banner
As a matter of honour, those that fight beneath the Rampaging Banner are always first into the fray. When a unit carrying the Rampaging Banner declares a charge, it may re-roll its Charge roll.
Razor Standard
Hung with hundreds of wickedly sharp blades, an air of sharpness radiates outwards from the Razor Standard. A unit carrying the Razor Standard gains the Armour Bane (2) special rule.
Razor Standard
Hung with hundreds of wickedly sharp blades, an air of sharpness radiates outwards from the Razor Standard. A unit carrying the Razor Standard gains the Armour Bane (2) special rule.
The Blazing Banner
An eternal flame flickers about the weapons of those that march beneath the Blazing Banner. A unit carrying the Blazing Banner gains the Flaming Attacks special rule.
The Blazing Banner
An eternal flame flickers about the weapons of those that march beneath the Blazing Banner. A unit carrying the Blazing Banner gains the Flaming Attacks special rule.
Totem of Rust
Little more than a jagged spike upon which the corroded remains of armoured warriors are impaled, the Totem of Rust spreads an all-consuming aura of entropy. Every model (friend or foe) within 6" of the model carrying the Totem of Rust suffers a -1 modifier to its Armour Save rolls.
Totem of Rust
Little more than a jagged spike upon which the corroded remains of armoured warriors are impaled, the Totem of Rust spreads an all-consuming aura of entropy. Every model (friend or foe) within 6" of the model carrying the Totem of Rust suffers a -1 modifier to its Armour Save rolls.
Vitriolic Totem
This gnarled and twisted bough is hung with the heads of the fallen. From these rotted trophies drips a constant rain of blackened ichor and poisoned blood. A unit carrying the Vitriolic Totem gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
Vitriolic Totem
This gnarled and twisted bough is hung with the heads of the fallen. From these rotted trophies drips a constant rain of blackened ichor and poisoned blood. A unit carrying the Vitriolic Totem gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
War Banner
A proud banner of great age. Those that march beneath the War Banner fight with grim resolve. When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the War Banner may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.
War Banner
A proud banner of great age. Those that march beneath the War Banner fight with grim resolve. When calculating its combat result, a unit carrying the War Banner may claim an additional bonus of +1 combat result point.

Units od the army

Tuskgor Chariots
Tuskgor Chariot
Razorgor Chariot
Razorgor Chariot
Gran Chamán del rebaño
Great Bray-Shaman
Chamán del rebaño
Centigor Chieftain
Centigor Chieftain
Rebaño de bestigors
Bestigor Herds
Rebaño de gors
Gor Herds
Rebaño de ungors
Ungor Herd
Chaos Warhounds
Chaos Warhounds
Razorgor Herds
Razorgor Herds
Tuskgor Chariots
Tuskgor Chariots
Minotaur Herd
Minotaur Herd
Rebaño de bestigors
Bestigor Herds
Minotaur Herd
Minotaur Herd
Centigor Herds
Centigor Herds
Dragon Ogres
Dragon Ogres
Razorgor Chariot
Razorgor Chariot
Chaos Ogres
Chaos Ogres
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Chaos Giant
Chaos Giant
Bonegrinder Giant
Bonegrinder Giant
Chaos Trolls
Chaos Trolls
Chaos Spawn
Chaos Spawn