Semilla del Bosque Oscuro
Un Solo Uso. Justo antes de la batalla (durante el paso 7 de la Secuencia de la Fase de Despliegue), el portador debe situar un único Elemento de Terreno de tipo Bosque, que debe ser como máximo de 10" de largo y 6" de ancho, sobre el Campo de Batalla, sin estar en contacto con ningún otro Elemento de Terreno a excepción de Terreno Abierto, a más de 1" de cualquier unidad enemiga, y con su centro en un radio de 12" del portador. Mientras estén dentro de este Bosque, las miniaturas amigas obtienen un modificador de +1 a sus tiradas de lanzamiento de hechizos de tipo Potenciación, Maldición o Universal, y añaden (+1/+1) al Nivel de Energía de todos los Hechizos Vinculados de Tótem que lancen.
Rain Augur Brew
Duration: One Turn. This item is automatically activated at the start of the first Game Turn (if the bearer is not on the Battlefield at this time, the item cannot be used). All Ranged Attacks have −1 to hit.
Binding Scroll
May be activated at the end of Siphon the Veil during the enemy Magic Phase. When activated, pick an enemy model and select one of its spells, including Bound Spells.
The selected model cannot cast the chosen instance of the spell during this Magic Phase. Only a single Binding Scroll may be activated during the same phase.
Potion of Swiftness
+3 Agi.
Dragon’s Brew
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Stand and Shoot).
Troll Tonic
Fortitude (5+).
Healing Potion
The bearer’s model Recovers 1 HP.
Scroll of Power
May be activated when the bearer fails a Casting Roll or when you fail a Dispelling Roll, by removing 1 Magic Dice from your pool. Reroll all Magic Dice used for the Casting or Dispelling Roll.
Spell Scroll (Nature's Venom)
May be activated at any time during your Magic Phase.
The bearer knows the spell indicated in brackets (X), in addition to its other spells. If the bearer already knows the spell, this has no effect.