Hautes Lignées Elfes

Hautes Lignées Elfes (v2021 beta 2)

Sort héréditaire

lancement Type Durée Effet
Favour of Meladys Immediately after successfully casting the spell, add one Veil Token to your Veil Token pool.
When a friendly unit within 18″ of the Caster suffers a wound before Special Saves, you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool instead and the wound is ignored. An attack with Multiple Wounds will inflict one wound less than usual instead. For Standard Infantry, up to 2 wounds are ignored per token provided they are suffered simultaneously. A maximum of two Veil Tokens may be discarded each phase for this purpose. Characters and Gigantic models can only ignore a single wound this way per phase.
Mf 10++
Portée Caster
One Turn
Immediately after successfully casting the spell, add one Veil Token to your Veil Token pool.
When a friendly unit within 18″ of the Caster suffers a wound before Special Saves, you may discard a Veil Token from your Veil Token pool instead and the wound is ignored. An attack with Multiple Wounds will inflict one wound less than usual instead. For Standard Infantry, up to 2 wounds are ignored per token provided they are suffered simultaneously. A maximum of two Veil Tokens may be discarded each phase for this purpose. Characters and Gigantic models can only ignore a single wound this way per phase.

Organisation de l’armée



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Alliés anciens

Alliés anciens

(20% Max)

Artillerie navale

Artillerie navale

(15% Max)

Arcs de la Reine

Arcs de la Reine

(30% Max)

Queen’s Cavalier

If the bearer’s model is Large or Gigantic: All Characters in the army must be Large Cavalry or Gigantic Beasts. Dragons and Ancient Dragons become 0–2 Mounts/Army. Sea Guard Reapers and Sky Sloops may not be taken in the army.


(50% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Alliés anciens

Alliés anciens

(25% Max)

Artillerie navale

Artillerie navale

(15% Max)

Arcs de la Reine

Arcs de la Reine

(30% Max)