Regole speciali
Vermin Swarm


Eagle Standard

While a non-Fleeing unit with one or more Eagle Standards is within range of a friendly model's Commanding Presence, the unit gains Rally Around the Flag, whose range is always 8". Discipline Tests taken by units while within range of one or more instances of Rally Around the Flag from a friendly Eagle Standard are subject to Minimised Roll.

Skorchit Alchemist

Standard Height R&F models in the model's unit gain Lightning Reflexes.

Heavy Weapon

The model may not use its Shooting Weapon if the model performed a March Move in this Player Turn.

Avatar of Acratos

The model gains Lightning Reflexes and adds +2 to its side's Combat Score in combats which it is Engaged in when Combat Scores are calculated.

Avatar of Udius

The model gains Fortitude (4+, against non-Magical Melee Attacks).

Avatar of Favana

The model gains Multiple Wounds (D3) and Swift- stride.

Avrasi Formations

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Back to the Burrows

One use only. May be activated at the end of a friendly Movement Phase, if the model’s unit:
• Except this model, consists entirely of Height 1 models.
• is neither Engaged nor Shaken.
• is touching a friendly Tunnel Marker.
1. Remove the model’s unit from the Battlefield.
2. Place it back on the Battlefield with Ambush (within 1.5″ of a friendly Tunnel Marker). If placement is impossible, the unit is destroyed.

Underworld Beast

The model gains Random Movement (3D6") and its Attack Value is set to 4D3. It loses Harnessed and the Pitmaster model part, and its base size is changed to 60×100 mm.

Big Brother

Big Sneaker

Universal Rule.
The model gains Multiple Wounds (2, against Character) and Poison Attacks. In addition, while within 6″ of any other Large or Gigantic unit or any Terrain Feature other than Open Terrain, the model gains Hard Target (1).

Bloodfur Praetorians

The model gains Bodyguard (Vermin Senator that is the General) and Great Weapon, and loses Halberd. The model does not count towards the army's model cap of max. 120 Blackfur Veterans.

Borne into Battle

The model must be deployed in, and can only join, a unit that includes at least one model from one of the unit entries stated in brackets (X). The model can never voluntarily leave its unit.

Chain Lightning

The model's Grind Attacks are resolved with Strength D6+1 and Armour Penetration 3.

Caelysian Pantheon

The model's Path access is replaced with:

Caelysian Pantheon


Health Point losses of the model that are caused by friendly models are ignored for Panic (including units destroyed due to attacks from friendly models). The model may use Shooting Attacks against enemy units Engaged in Combat, with the following rules and restrictions: • Friendly units Engaged in this Combat are ignored for Cover purposes (but not for drawing Line of Sight). • Roll to hit as normal against the intended target. Immediately after determining the number of hits, roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of 4+, the hit is distributed onto a randomly chosen friendly unit Engaged with the original target. Otherwise, proceed as normal.

Whispering Bell

The model knows one additional Learned Spell, and the range of its non-Bound Spells is increased by 3". The model gains Exclusive (Blackfur Veterans, Vermin Legionaries) and Deafening Clamour. R&F models in friendly units within 12" of the Sacred Platform gain Aegis (6+); Gigantic models and Constructs are not affected.

Cannon Fodder

Shooting Attacks against enemy units in base contact with one or more models with Cannon Fodder gain +1 to hit.

Stygian Overseer

Immediately after Siphon the Veil of each friendly Magic Phase, each Stygian Overseer may move a single friendly Tunnel Marker within 24" that is not in contact with any unit. Move this marker in a straight line up to 6", stopping immediately before moving into contact with any units. Each Tunnel Marker may only be moved once per Magic Phase.

Pestilent Pulpit

The model knows one additional Learned Spell, it gains Exclusive (Plague Disciples), and the number of its Impact Hits is increased by D3. The model's unit gains Poison Attacks. Close Combat Attacks that already were Poison Attacks from another source will automatically wound on successful natural to-hit rolls of 5+ instead of 6+.

Cohort Coordination

While the model's unit is Steadfast and does not suffer from Disrupted Ranks, the model gains Fight in Extra Rank. Check if the conditions are met and apply the effects at the start of each Initiative Step.

Sicarran Smugglers

The unit may start the game in Tunnel Reserve. Ambush rolls of units consisting entirely of models with Sicarran Smugglers may be rerolled. This overrides the restriction of rules and abilities not working while the model is off the board.


The model suffers a Mishap when it rolls a natural '1' for the type of roll described in brackets (X). If X is Misfirequot;, the model suffers a Mishap instead of suffering effects from Misfire. A roll resulting in a Mishap can never be rerolled and an attack resulting in a Mishap is always lost. When suffering a Mishap, the model's unit suffers 1 hit that wounds automatically with Armour Penetration 2. If the Trial and Terror shooting mode was used, the model's unit suffers 2 hits that wound automatically with Armour Penetration 2 instead.

Cult Influence

Universal Rule.
The model loses Insignificant while a Sacred Plat- form with Pestilent Pulpit is part of the model’s unit.

Cult of Errahman

Whenever a natural '1' is rolled to hit for an enemy Close Combat Attack allocated towards a model with Cult of Errahman, the model part inflicts 1 hit with Toxic Attacks on the attacking model's unit in the same Initiative Step, before any casualties are removed. R&F models with Cult of Errahman cannot be joined by models without Cult of Errahman.

Dark Doorways

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Disdain for Plebs

The model cannot be chosen by the opponent as the model that suffers the penalties for refusing a Duel.

Underground Arrival

Underground Arrival: Once per game, at the end of the owner’s Movement Phase if the model is not Engaged or Shaken you may:
1. Mark a point on the Battlefield with a Tunnel Marker touching the model, unless there are 4 friendly Tunnel Markers on the Battlefield.
2. Remove the model from the Battlefield.
3. The model is now in Ambush (within 1.5″ of a friendly Tunnel Marker) and may roll Ambush rolls normally next turns.

I am the Senate

When friendly units within range of the model's Commanding Presence (including the model itself) lose Health Points due to Unstable, the number of lost Health Points is reduced by the unit's number of Full Ranks, to a maximum of 3.

Dire Rats

Endless Tide

Universal Rule.
The model cannot declare any Charges, and other units cannot declare any Charges against the model. The model and other units ignore each other regarding the Unit Spacing rule for all movement and can touch and move through one another during any movement (note that this includes Ambush and that this means that the model can be placed in base contact with other units when Summoned). The model never blocks Line of Sight (remember that this also affects Cover as it can never contribute to Hard Cover).
When the model touches another unit, the model is immediately removed as a casualty, and the other unit immediately suffers 3D6 hits with Strength 2 and Armour Penetration 1. If several units are touched simultaneously, the Active Player chooses which unit suffers the hits. If the model was removed due to another unit moving into contact with it, that unit suffers an additional 2D6 hits.

Enlightened By Favana

The model replaces Wizard Apprentice with Wizard Adept and can choose Thaumaturgy or Witchcraft instead of Occultism. The model cannot take Great Weapon, Halberd, or Paired Weapons.

Trial and Terror

Immediately before performing a Shooting Attack with the weapon, the owner may choose to use the Trial and Terror shooting mode. If one model uses the Trial and Terror shooting mode, then all models in its unit must use it. If so, the Shooting Attack gains +1 to wound. The effects last until the end of the phase.

Fear no Evil

While the model's unit is Steadfast and does not suffer from Disrupted Ranks, it gains Unbreakable and Fearless. In addition, while joined by one or more Characters with Cult of Errahman, Charge Moves and Pursuit Moves of the model's unit gain Swiftstride.

Fetthis Fleshmaster

Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase of units consisting entirely of Giant Rats, Fetthis Brutes, Arena Beasts, and models on Praetorian Brute or Triumphal Platform within 12" are subject to Maximised Roll.

Fire Rats

Universal Rule.
The model gains Flaming Attacks and Flammable, and its base size is changed to 25×50mm. Immediately before the model is removed as a casualty as a result of any enemy Melee Attack, it inflicts 1 hit with Str 3, AP 0, and Flaming Attacks on the attacking unit.
This is considered a Special Attack.

Fortified by Udius

The model gains Distracting (1), Fortitude (4+), and Hard Target (1).

Giant Club

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Brood’s Courage (Rats-at-Arms) and Safety in Numbers.

Girded by Acratos

The model’s Armour is set to 5 and it gains Magic Resistance (2) and Metal Armour.

Greater Eagle Standard

The model gains Standard Bearer and Eagle Standard, with the following exceptions: • The requirement for being within range of a friendly model's Commanding Presence is ignored. • When calculating Combat Score, only a single model with Greater Eagle Standard per unit adds +1 to its side's Combat Score.

Holy Triumvirate

If there are at least 3 models with Holy Triumvirate on your Army List, and they all have either Caelysian Pantheon or they all have Cult of Errahman, these models can all select spells as follows: • Wizard Apprentices: select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, and 4 of their chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell. • Wizard Adepts: select from the Learned Spells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of their chosen Path and the Hereditary Spell.

Lord of the Legions

The model gains Great Weapon and Paired Weapons.

Tunnel Digger

Each Vermin Swarm army gains two Tunnel Markers and an additional Tunnel Marker for each unit on the Army List with Tunnel Digger. During Pre-game Selections, for each of your army’s Tunnel Markers, mark a point inside your half of the Battlefield with a Tunnel Marker. There can only be up to 4 friendly Tunnel Markers on the Battlefield at any time.


While within range of the model’s Commanding Presence, other friendly units gain Fearless and Unstable and the number of Health Point losses ignored due to Life is Cheap is decreased by 2.

Without Number

If this option is taken for any model in the army, then all models in the army that can take it must take it. When the model is removed as a casualty, place it in a Reinforcement Pool next to the Battlefield. At any time, you may remove 40 models from this Reinforcement Pool and place one of the following Summoned units in Tunnel Reserve: • 25 Vermin Legionaries with a Champion, a Musician, a Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard, and Without Number. The unit loses Scoring. The unit may take Shield and Spear. • 40 Vermin Slaves with a Musician and Without Number.

The Die is Cast

The model gains +1 Discipline, up to a maximum of 8, while within 12" of one or more enemy models.

Life is Cheap

When calculating Combat Score, halve the number of Health Point losses of models with Life is Cheap, rounding fractions up. This does not include Combat Score bonuses from Overkill.

Living Bomb

Universal Rule.
When the model is removed as a casualty, all units within 6″ suffer 2D6 hits with Strength 4 and Armour Penetration 1.

Lord of The Legions

The model’s Standard Melee Attacks gains Multiple Wounds (D3).

Maniacal Enthusiasm

When the model makes a dice roll of the type defined in brackets (“X”), after seeing the result you may choose to add +2 to the result rolled. If this modifier is used, immediately roll a D6 and consult the table below:
• 1–2 Oops: Change the target of the spell or Shooting Attack being rolled for to the nearest other friendly unit (to the model making the attack. This unit does not ned to be within Line of Sight or Range.).
• 3–4 Room for Improvement: The model’s unit suffers D6 hits with Str 4 AP 1.
• 5–6 Glorious Success!: No additional effect.

Unstable Engines

Units consisting entirely of models with Unstable Engines: • Gain +D6" to their Charge Range rolls in the Charge Phase. Also add this D6 to the Failed Charge distance. • Immediately after choosing to perform a March Move, gain +D6" March Rate. The effects last until the end of the phase. Immediately before a model is removed as a casualty from the unit, the model inflicts D6 hits with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 0 and Flaming Attacks on all other units within 6" of the model's unit.. These hits are considered Special Attacks.


While the model's unit is in Line Formation, the model must reroll natural to-wound rolls of '1' with its Close Combat Attacks.

Unlimited Power!

The model must be the General. While within range of the model's Commanding Presence, other friendly units gain Fearless. In addition, while Steadfast and not suffering from Disrupted Ranks, the units also gain Unstable. For the purpose of Holy Triumvirate, the model counts as having Caelysian Pantheon.

Pontifex Maximus

The model knows The Awakened Swarm (Hereditary Spell) in addition to its other spells. In addition, the model always selects its spells from all Learned Spells of its chosen Path.

Pontifex Maximus

The model may take (and pay the price for) one item from Artefacts or Potions and Scrolls, worth up to 50 pts, that is normally available to Vermin Swarm Characters.


Rakachit Technocrat

The model gains Engineer (3+) that can also be used on Shooting Weapons and Artillery Weapons of Experimental Weapon Teams, affecting all Experimental Weapon Team models in the chosen unit.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

While the model's unit is in base contact with one or more enemy Characters, the model gains +1 Attack Value for each other Duskblade Assassin in the same unit.

Supreme Augur

The model gains +1 Courage while Engaged in Combat.

Tunnel Markers

Each Vermin Swarm army gains two Tunnel Markers and can gain additional Tunnel Markers by including certain units in the Army List. At the start of step 7 of the Pre-Game Sequence (Spell Selection), for each of your army’s Tunnel Markers, mark a point inside your half of the Battlefield with a Tunnel Marker. A player can only use up to 4 Tunnel Markers

Tunnel Reserve

Certain units have the ability to either enter or start the game in Tunnel Reserve. Units in Tunnel Reserve follow the rules for Ambush, with the following differences:
• Instead of entering the Battlefield from a Board Edge, the owner chooses a friendly Tunnel Marker. Place the unit within 3″ of the centre of this marker. No model can be placed with its centre farther away from the centre of the chosen marker than its March Rate. If this is not possible for any friendly marker on the Battlefield, the unit cannot enter the Battlefield during this Player Turn. Roll again in the next friendly Player Turn.
• A unit that enters the Battlefield from Tunnel Reserve cannot perform any Advance Moves, March Moves, or Reforms in the same Movement Phase. The unit counts as having performed a March Move during the Player Turn it arrives on the Battlefield for the purpose of shooting.
• A unit that enters the Battlefield from Tunnel Reserve in Game Turn 5 or 6 loses Scoring.
• A unit that enters Tunnel Reserve and does not return to the Battlefield before the end of the game counts as destroyed.

Unit of Artillery

If one model in this unit is affected by an Engineer, all models in this unit are affected by the Engineer.


Vox Populi

The range of the model's Commanding Presence, if avaliable, is set to 18" when measured to units with one or more models with Eagle Standard.