Rune of the Forge
Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks).
Aegis (3+, against Flaming Attacks).
+1 Arm
Must reroll failed Armour Save rolls
When rolling a successful Aegis Save from Shield Wall, the model inflicts a hit with the same Str and AP as the attack that was saved onto the Health Pool of the model that caused the wound. This occurs before any casualties are removed. These hits do not benefit from Weapon Rules or Runic Weapon Enchantments.
+1 Att.
Can be used as a Shooting Weapon with the following profile:
Aim Range Shots Str AP Attack Attributes
2+ 8″ 1 User User Accurate, Quick to Fire
The effects of other Runic Weapon Enchantments apply to Shooting Attacks made with this weapon (even if the effects are normally restricted to Melee Attacks).
Grind Attack (D3 hits, Str 4, AP 1, Lightning Attacks).
A model with two or more instances of this enchantment increases the number of hits to 2D3.
Note that these hits are not affected by the effects of other Runic Weapon Enchantments.
Multiple Wounds (D3).
Attacks allocated towards a model with Res 5 or more have their Str set to 10 and AP set to 10.
+1 to hit.
The weapon follows the rules for Great Weapon instead of the original weapon’s rules. This does not prevent the weapon from being engraved with additional Runic Weapon Enchantments.
When Choosing Equipment and Abilities, may gain Flaming Attacks until the end of the phase.
+3 AP.
+3 Agi.
+1 Str and +1 AP.
One use only. May be activated when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. For the duration of the phase, the bearer gains Stubborn.
One use only. The player may choose to use this Runic Artefact instead of performing a Dispelling Roll. The spell is automatically dispelled.
During Pre-game Selections, choose a Terrain Feature on the Battlefield. As long as the bearer is on the Battlefield, all friendly models may treat this Terrain Feature as Open Terrain when making a Move Maneuvre (Reform, Advance or March Move), but must still follow the Unit Spacing rule at the end of their move.
Aegis (+1, max. 4+). The Aegis from this Runic Artefact can only stack with itself and Shield Wall.
Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks).
One use only.
The player may choose to use this Runic Artefact instead of performing a Dispelling Roll. The spell is cast as normal but the Caster may not cast it again for the rest of the game.
The bearer gains Ambush (Table Edge), Scout, and Vanguard.
In the opponent’s Magic Phase, after Excess Magic, remove one Magic Dice from the opponent’s pool.
One use only. May be activated at the start of the opponent’s Player Turn. Choose a single enemy unit within 24″ of the bearer. Until the end of the Player Turn, Cha and Mob of all models with Fly in that unit are halved, rounding fractions up.
Channel (1). This Runic Artefact can only be used if the model’s army total combined Channel is 3 or less (excluding Channel from this Runic Artefact).
One use only. May be activated at the end of the Charge Phase, immediately after all Charge Moves have been resolved. If the bearer’s unit was successfully Charged during this phase, it may perform a Combat Reform (following the normal rules for Combat Reforms).
One use only. May be activated when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. All spells with Duration: One Turn that affect any of the following units come to an end:
• The bearer’s unit;
• Enemy units in contact with the bearer’s unit
The range of the model’s Commanding Presence is increased to 18″.
When determining the Secondary Objective, randomize two objectives instead of one, and choose which of the two objectives to play.
Whenever you draw a Flux Card, apply the effects from the list below based on the number of the Flux Card. Effects have Duration: One Turn.
Card Number Effects applied to all models on the Battlefield
1, 5, 9, 13 Sulfurous Gas: All Terrain Features gain Dangerous Terrain.
2, 6, 10, 14 Ash Cloud: −1 to hit with Shooting Attacks.
3, 7, 11, 15 Obsidian Deposits: −1 to Casting Rolls.
4, 8, 12, 16 Ominous Rumbling: −1 Cou.
One use only. You may activate this ability when Choosing Equipment and Abilities. Set the model part’s Att to 4, Str to 5, and AP to 3. The model part gains Fortitude (4+). The model cannot use any weapons while this ability is active. Duration: One Turn.
An army with an Innovative Leader may use different Base Sizes than those
listed in the Unit Entries. Any Unit Entry using this option must have the new
base size noted on the Army List, and all models in the unit must have the same
Base Size. The new bases must:
• Be between 100% – 125% of the original width.
• Be between 100% – 150% of the original depth.
• Both width and depth must be divisible by 5 mm.