Regole speciali


Doppia Katana

Close Combat Weapon.
This weapon follows the rules for Paired Weapons. In addition, attacks made with Paired Katanas gain +1 Armour Penetration.
Alternatively, this weapon can be used as a Katana (see above). The bearer can decide how to use this weapon at step 2 of the Round of Combat Sequence.


Close Combat Weapon
Attacks made with this weapon gain +1 Strength and +1 Offensive Skill. Katanas can be enchanted as if they were Hand Weapons.



Armour Equipment
Sode grant +1 Armour and can be enchanted with Shield Enchantments from the Common Special Equipment section.


Yumi (Arco Lungo)



Close Combat Weapon.
When used by infantry models, Yari count as Spears.
Mounted model parts using a Yari gain +1 Armour Penetration and have their Strength set to 5 for as long as they are charging.



Shooting Weapon
Range 12′′, Shots: 2, Strength as user, Armour Penetration as user, Quick to Fire.

Clan Mons

Mon del Clan Daimatzu

Mon del Clan Horumi

Mon del Clan Shinzei

Mon del Clan Taneka

Mon del Clan Uruchi

Mon of the AshiwaraClan


Veleno Gocciolante

Fauntei Shi

Latte Notturno

Veleno di Serpente

Veleno di Ragno


Samurai's Drill

Attack Attribute.
Units of Ashigaru Bowmen and Matchlock Ashigarumay use Shooting Attacks from the 3rd rank (in addition to the 1st and 2nd).

Way of the Warrior

Non puoi rifiutare un Duello se un modello con La Via del Guerriero in grado di accettare. I modelli con questa regola devono ritirare i test di Panico e i test Decimati falliti. Inoltre, passano automaticamente i test di Panico causati dalle unit amiche in rotta che non hanno allinterno nessun Modello che commette Seppuku (Morte prima del Disonore). I personaggi con La Via del Guerriero non possono unirsi ad unit con la regola Fuorilegge.


A unit with one or more models with Sashimonos adds +1 to its Combat Score.

Inseguitore dellOmbra

Universal Rule.
As long as the Shinobi is joined to a unit of Ninja orKabuki Dolls, the unit benefits from Soft Cover. If it benefits from Soft Cover already, it benefits from hard Cover instead.

Arti Marziali

Models on foot with this special rule add+1 Armour in Close Combat and can Parry.

Killer Silenzioso

Units other than Ninja, Kabuki Dolls, or alone Shinobi cannot use the Shinobi’s Discipline. Shinobi can never benefit from Bodyguard.

Assassino esperto

Universal Rule.
The Shinobi's March Rate is set to 14 as long as he is joined to a unit of Kabuki Dolls.

Benedizioni del Kami

Universal rule.
Friendly units in 6′′ gain Aegis (5+, against Ranged Attacks).
Additionally, the model may cast Ancestral Aid (Evocation) as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).

Benedizione della Luna Crescente

Universal Rule.
All models in a unit containing one or more models with this rule gain +1 Agility.

Cortesia professionale

Universal Rule.
Shinobi cannot join units that contain another Shinobi.

Danza Kabuki

Regola Universale. Devi scegliere una delle due Danze Kabuki da utilizzare nella fase 2 della Fase di Mischia: -Jidaimono: Le Bambole Kabuki devono ritirare i tiri falliti per colpire in Fase di Mischia. Con questa danza i Ventagli da Guerra contano come Coppia d Armi. -Sewawono: Con questa danza, le Bambole Kabuki ottengono Distrarre. I Ventagli da Guerra contano come degli scudi che permettono alle Bambole Kabuki di ottenere Parata come da regola.

Morte prima del Disonore

Se almeno metà dei modelli di un’unità possiedono Morte prima del Disonore, tutti i Test di Rotta effettuati sono soggetti a Tiro minimizzato. Se il test viene fallito, l’intera unità commette Seppuku (suicidio); quindi rimuovila dal gioco e con essa tutti personaggi all’interno. L’unità viene considerata come spazzata via in Fase di Mischia. Se invece meno della metà dei modelli dell’unità hanno Morte prima del Disonore, risolvi il Test di Rotta normalmente; se viene fallito, solo i modelli con Morte prima del Disonore commettono Seppuku; i modelli rimanenti fuggono normalmente (e possono essere inseguiti dal nemico).

Desiderio di Morte

Universal rule
Immediately after an unengaged unit of Ronin comes into contact with an enemy unit (regardless of whether it charged or is charged), the Ronin unit performs a Combat Reform, retains its facing, but maximises the number of models in contact.

Exotic Poisons

Attack Attribute – Close Combat, Shooting.
The attack gains Poison Attacks and Multiple Wounds (2, against Standard). Additionally, the Poison Attacks wound automatically on a successful to-hit roll of 5+ instead of 6+. Furthermore, the model gains +1 Armour Penetration for every automatic wound caused with Poison Attacks until the end of the phase.

Forza Inarrestabile

Universal Rule.
Any unit of Standard Size that is charged by a unit of Sumo Warriors with at least two full ranks reduce their Defensive Skill by 1 for the next round of combat (to a minimum of 1).

Volpe di Fuoco

Universal Rule.
Enemy models in units in Base Contact with one or more Kitsune suffer -1 Offensive Skill and -1 Defensive Skill.


The total number of units with this rule cannot exceed 3. This limit is increased to 6 for Grand Armies.

Mantello Horo

Models equipped with Horo Cloaks gain +1 Resilienceagainst Ranged Attacks.This has no effect on Flaming Attacks orToxic Attacks.


Universal Rule.
The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops and Skirmisher.


Attributo dAttacco. Durante la Fase 2 della sequenza della Fase di Mischia, un Kensai pu scegliere di utilizzare una delle seguenti tecniche di combattimento. Non pu usare la stessa tecnica per due Fasi di Mischia consecutive dello stesso combattimento. Gli effetti durano fino alla fine della Fase di Mischia. -Disegnando il Vuoto: Il Kensai ottiene Rilfessi Fulminei. -Rituale dellAcciaio: Il Kensai ottiene +1 Forza e Penetrazione Armatura(+1). -Piuma nel Vento: Il Kensai ottiene Egida (+2, massimo 4+) e +1 Abilit Difensiva. -Un solo Momento: Il Kensai ottiene +1 Attacco.


Attack Attribute – Shooting.
Before shooting, the model may choose to gain Flaming Attacks for its Shooting Attack. The effect lasts for the duration of the phase.

Insegnamenti del Kami

Universal Rule.
When a Mikoshi Shrines confers a Blessing of the Kami onto a unit of Warrior Monks, no Veil Token is discarded for the blessing.

Leader Ispiratore

If a model with Inspiring Leader is the General of the army, all infantry models in the same unit gain +1 AdvanceRate and +2 March Rate.

Richiamato dallInferno

Regola Universale. Un esercito non pu schierare alcun Oni a meno che non sia presente uno Shugenja. Alla fine della fase nella quale anche lultimo Shugenja viene ucciso, tutte le unit amiche di Oni devono passare un Test di Disciplina o perdere un numero di ferite equivalente al valore per il quale viene fallito il test, senza nessun tipo di tiro salvezza concesso. In pi, lOni non pu beneficiare di Aura di Comando e Raccogliersi sotto lo Stendardo se tutti i Shugenja dellesercito sono stati uccisi.


Attack Attribute – Close Combat
For every X successful to-hit rolls against the same Health Pool, an additional hit is caused. Count seperately for each
Character and each Initiative Step. While fighting in a Duel, the model part gains Kenjutsu (2) until the Duel ends. If a model has multiple instances of Kenjutsu (X), use the one with the lowest value for X.


Attack Attribute – Shooting.
The Shooting Attack gains Shots 2.
Additionally, when shooting from Short Range, the attack gains +1 Armour Penetration.


Attack Attribute.Catapult. Range 12-60′′, Shots 1, Str 3 [7], AP 0[4], [Multiple Wounds (D3, Clipped Wings)], Flaming Attacks.

Preghiere del Kami

Regola Universale.
Lo Yamabushi conosce le seguenti preghiere, che sono Incantesimi Infusi con Livello di Potere (4/8).
- Preghiera di Rinvigorimento: Benedizione, Gittata: 12, Durata: Dura un Turno. Tutti i modelli che sono parte del bersaglio ottengono +1 Abilit Difensiva, +1 Attacco, +1 Forza, +1 Penetrazione Armatura e +1 Agilit.
- Preghiera della Stella Nascente: Benedizione, Gittata: Unit del Mago, Durata: Dura un Turno. Tutti i modelli nella stessa unit ottengono +1 Forza e +1 Penetrazione Armatura. I modelli con HARNESSED non sono affetti da questo incantesimo. Ununit pu essere affetta da questo incantesimo solo una volta per Fase Magica.
- Preghiera della Montagna Sacra: Benedizione, Gittata: Unit del Mago, Durata: Dura un Turno. Il bersaglio ottiene Resistenza Magica (2), +1 Armatura, e un ulteriore +1 Armatura contro gli Attacchi a Distanza.

Ritual Meditation

Dispelling rolls from your opponent against any spell targeting models with this rule suffer a -1 modifier. This also affects a Yamabushi’s Prayers of the Kami Bound Spells and the Bound Spell from the Mikoshi Shrine, but no other Bound Spells.
This rule only takes effect if the total number of affected models with Ritual Meditation is higher than the number of affected models without this rule (this is also true for Aura spells).

Signore del Fiume

Universal Rule.
If the model touches a Water Terrain feature at the beginning of any of its movements, it can choose to gain Fly (7′′, 14′′) until the end of the Phase.


If there are either at least 3 models with Standard Size or 2 models with Large Size in a unit equipped with Sashimonos, the unit countsas having one more Rank than normal. Note that the maximum Rank bonus for the Combat Score is +3. If at least half of the models of a unit have Light Troops, the unitadds+1 to itsCombat Score instead.

Scouting Party

Universal Rule.
The model loses Devastating Charge (+1 Att) and Scoring, and gains Light Armour, Yumi (Longbow, 3+), Feigned Flight and Light Troops.

Strike from the Shadows

Universal Rule.
The Shinobi cannot be deployed during the Deployment Phase. Instead, at the start of any Player Turn, the owner may choose an unengaged friendly Standard Infantry unit that is not Fleeing and apply the following rules:
• Remove a non-Champion R&F model from the chosen unit and deploy the Shinobi inside that unit.
• You cannot remove the last R&F model from a unit, and removing the model never causes a Panic Test.
• The Shinobi cannot voluntarily leave its unit during the Player Turn in which it was deployed.
• If the Shinobi is not deployed by the end of Game Turn 4, it counts as a casualty and cannot be deployed for the rest of the game.


Universal rule.
A Hatamoto may be assigned as a Yojimbo, meaning bodyguard, to one character (but not another Hatamoto or a Shinobi) in the army at the start of the game after deployment if he is in the same unit.
While in the same unit as this character and within 3" of each other, half of the hits (rounded up) from Ranged Attacks assigned to the chosen character are taken by the Hatamoto instead (the attacker still chooses how hits are distributed).
If the protected character does not have the Way of the Warrior rule, it loses the Front Rank rule as long as it is in base contact with the Hatamoto.
If the character the Hatamoto is assigned to protect is killed by an enemy, the Hatamoto will immediately commit Seppuku as per the Death before Dishonour special rule. This does not apply if the model killed itself (by a miscast, for example).