getto | Tipo | Durata | ||
7+/10++ |
Gamma 12" |
Instant |
Remains in Play. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (6+) special rule. If this spell is cast with a casting result of 10 or more, the target friendly unit gains the Regeneration (5+) special rule. This spell may target a friendly unit engaged in combat.
getto | Tipo | Durata | ||
10++ |
Gamma 5D6" |
Instant |
Draw a straight line, 5D6" in length, from the caster’s base edge. Any enemy model whose base falls under this line suffers a single Strength 4 hit with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
getto | Tipo | Durata | ||
9++ |
Gamma Self |
Instant |
Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the caster, their mount and any unit they have joined gain a +1 modifier to their Strength characteristic (to a maximum of 10), and improve the Armour Piercing characteristic of their weapons by 1.