Defensive Stakes

Rough-hewn stakes hammered into the soft earth provide simple but effective defences against a charging enemy.

When a unit equipped with defensive stakes is deployed, the stakes are placed in base contact with its front arc and will remain there for the duration of the game, unless the unit moves – should the unit move for any reason (including reforming), the stakes are lost and are removed from play. All measurement to and from the unit is done from the unit itself – ignore the stakes.

Enemy units can charge the front of a unit equipped with defensive stakes as normal but do not have to physically cross the stakes to do so. Instead, the front rank of a charging unit moves into base contact with the stakes, making a disordered charge and becoming Disrupted. A model whose troop type is ‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ must make a Dangerous Terrain test if it ends its charge move in base contact with the stakes.