Vortex Of Souls

When a Casket of Souls is opened, blinding light is unleashed upon the battlefield as the countless bound souls entombed within it scream into the air seeking freedom from their suffering and confinement. These spirits soar forth, bound by the incantations of the Keeper to do their will.

A Casket of Souls can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:

Light Of Death
The unleashed spirits plunge through the bodies of the Tomb Kings’ enemies, their hapless victims suffering unbearable agony as their life essence is utterly drained.

Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 7+
Range: 36"
Effect: The target enemy unit must immediately make a Leadership test. If this test is passed, it suffers D3 Strength 3 hits, each with an AP of -1. If, however, this test is failed, it suffers D6+3 Strength 6 hits, each with the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule and with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Light Of Protection
The freed souls cluster about the skeletal legions of the Tomb Kings, blinding their enemies and turning aside their hostile blows.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this Bound spell is in play, this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model gains a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered. In addition, whilst this Bound spell is in play, enemy units suffer a -1 modifier to any rolls To Hit made against this model and any friendly unit within 18" of this model.

However, if this model casts the Light of Death Bound spell, this Bound spell will immediately expire.