

200pti + 14 pti/modello extra
10-25 modello Rarity: Common
Max 40 Models by Army (Legion of Wrath)
Max 50 Models by Army (Legion of Sloth)
Max 40 Models by Army (Legion of Envy)
Globali Cha Mob Cou Regole del modello
" "
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm Aeg
1 2 3 0 5+
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Imp 1 2 2 0 3

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
20 pts

(Hereditary Spell)

45 pts


50 pts


1 pts/mod.
3 pts/mod.

(0-2 per Army, 10-10 Models per Unit)

30 pts
1 pts/mod.
30 pts
30 pts
1 pts/mod.

(0-40 per Army)

1 pts/mod.