
Bestia dei Rovi

mod. singolo Rarity: Common
Max 4 Modelli/Esercito

The magic arts of womb marking are dangerous, and failures are common. In rare cases, severely mutated offspring can survive, deformed beyond recognition. Normally condemned to a benevolent exile, they’re allowed to follow the herd if they stay out of sight. Such concealed monsters can be a great aid in battle, especially since their warped minds do not know fear – only loneliness.

Globali Mar Ava Dis Regole del modello
\XDsix{3}" \XDsix{3}"
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 3 5 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Bestia dei Rovi \Dsix{}+1 3 5 2 2
Bestia dei Rovi: