model rules
The Wood Elf Realms


A Befuddlement Of Mischiefs

Mischiefs appear as glowing orbs of light that dart around the heads of their enemies, befuddling the minds of mortals.

During the Combat phase, a single enemy unit that is in base contact with this model suffers a -1 modifier to both its Weapon Skill and Initiative characteristics.

A Blight Of Terrors

These malicious spites of gruesome appearance dwell in dark places.
They delight in terrifying unsuspecting intruders and take great joy from the horror they instil into their prey.

This model and any unit it has joined gains the Terror special rule.

A Lamentation Of Despairs

These creatures are much feared within Athel Loren, for they only appear in times of woe. Outsiders who feel their gaze upon them experience a deep and unnerving sense of dread.

Unless this model is fleeing, enemy units that are within 6" of this model suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership characteristic when making a Fear, Panic or Terror test (to a minimum of 2).

A Murder Of Spites

Spites often hide within the cloaks of their hosts, awaiting the opportunity to attack any who draw too near.

When this model’s combat is chosen during Step 1 of the Combat phase, a single enemy unit it is engaged with suffers D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -1.

A Muster Of Malevolents

Aggressive defenders of Athel Loren, Malevolents dart through the air in the wake of Asrai arrows, descending upon their victims with needle-like talons and vicious fangs.

Wood Elf Nobles and Waystalkers only. An enemy model hit by one or more shooting attacks made by this model’s Asrai longbow suffers an additional D3 Strength 2 hits, each with an AP of -. These hits have the Armour Bane (1) special rule.

A Resplendence Of Luminescents

As they bound from branch, to bow, to cloak, Luminescents leave behind a magical spoor. Should they alight upon a weapon of any kind, their presence bestows a minor enchantment.

This model and any unit it has joined gains the Magical Attacks special rule.

Tree Whack

The largest tree spirits do not fight with grace or finesse, but with huge sweeping blows that strike home with enough force to shatter stone.

Once per turn, during the Combat phase, a model with this special rule may use one of its Attacks to make a single ‘Tree Whack’ attack. To make a Tree Whack attack, nominate a single model within an enemy unit that this model is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack. That model must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If the test is failed, the target suffers D3 hits, each using the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).
• If the test is passed, the target manages to avoid the Tree Whack.

An Annoyance Of Netlings

Netlings scurry over their host with feverish abandon. Any enemy that attempts to strike the host will find their weapon snagged in a web of magical filaments.

Whilst this model is engaged in a challenge, its opponent in the challenge suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.

Arboreal Armour

counts as full plate armour

Asrai Longbow

To carry one of the famed longbows of Athel Loren is to possess the finest weapon a hunter could possibly wield. If the eye is true, there is no quarry such a weapon cannot slay.

R S AP Special Rules
Asrai longbow 32" S - Armour Bane (1), Volley Fire

Arcane Bodkin

Armour offers no protection against these ensorcelled arrows. An Asrai longbow with Arcane Bodkins has an AP of -2.

Hawk-eyed Archer

With the keen eyes of a hunting hawk, none that would dare encroach upon the hidden glades of Athel Loren are safe from the deadly arrows of a Waystalker.

A model with this special rule can target any enemy character it can draw a line of sight to, regardless of the usual rules for targeting Lone characters. In addition, a model with this special rule can target a specific model within its target unit, such as a champion or a character.

Asrai Spear

R S AP Special Rules
Asrai spear Combat S -1 Fight in Extra Rank
Notes: A model wielding an Asrai spear cannot make a supporting attack during a turn in which it charged. During a turn in which it was charged in its front arc, a model wielding an Asrai spear gains a +1 modifier to its Initiative against the charging unit(s).

Beguiling Aura

Unicorns shimmer with magical power, a gleaming aura that also bears an enfolding glamour that bewitches and beguiles any who come near.

Enemy models must make a Leadership test before making any rolls To Hit against this model during the Combat phase. If this test is failed, only rolls of a natural 6 will hit.

Blackbriar Javelin

R S AP Special Rules
Blackbriar javelin 12" S -1 Move & Shoot, Quick Shot

Sapwood Flesh

counts as light armour

Sapwood flesh

counts as light armour

Crown Of Antlers

When a Great Stag charges, its magnificent crown of antlers tears through armour and cuts deeply into the flesh beneath.

Impact Hits caused by a model with this special rule have the Armour Bane (1) special rule and an Armour Piercing characteristic of -1.

Dances Of Loec

In battle, Wardancers perform the favoured rituals of the Trickster God, Loec, each instinctively enacting a pattern of lethal movements in perfect harmony with the rest of their troupe.

When this unit’s combat is chosen during Step 1.1 of any Choose & Fight Combat sub-phase, choose one of the following Dances of Loec for it to perform. Every model within the unit performs the same Dance:

• Whirling Death: Until the end of this Combat phase, the Armour Piercing characteristic of this unit’s weapons is improved by 2.
• Storm of Blades: Until the end of this Combat phase, this unit gains the Extra Attacks (+1) special rule.
• The Shadows Coil: Until the end of this Combat phase, this unit has a 4+ ward save against any wounds suffered.
• Woven Mist: Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this unit during this Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit.,
Note that a Shadowdancer that joins this unit is considered to have this special rule as well.

Daughters Of Eternity

Like the Queen they serve, Sisters of the Thorn are eternal, seeming never to age or succumb to injury.
This unit has a 4+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Deepwood Coven

Every Sister of the Thorn is imbued with a small measure of Ariel’s magic.
A unit of Sisters of the Thorn knows a single spell (chosen by their controlling player before armies are deployed) from either the Battle Magic or Elementalism Lore of Magic. The unit may cast this spell as a Bound spell:
• If the unit includes a Handmaiden of the Thorn, it may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 1.
• If it includes both a Handmaiden of the Thorn and a standard bearer, it may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 2.
• Otherwise, the unit may cast this Bound spell with a Power Level of 0.

Lore Of Athel Loren

Wood Elf Mages have a unique relationship with the forest. They are a part of it, much like Dryads and Treemen, yet possessed of a greater sense of individuality. This bond allows them to commune with the forest, to entreat with it on behalf of their kin and, in times of war, to awaken it to their aid.

Swfitshiver Shard

These arrows seem to fly from the bow of their own accord. An Asrai longbow with Swiftshiver Shards has the Multiple Shots (2) special rule.

Elven Reflexes

Elves possess phenomenal speed and grace, striking at their enemies faster than the eye can see.

A model with this special rule (but not its mount) has a +1 modifier to its Initiative characteristic (to a maximum of 10) during the first round of any combat.

Woodland Ambush

Wood Elf Realms armies emerge unexpected from woodlands the world over, travelling along mystical and unseen pathways to strike at their enemies however far from Athel Loren they may hide.

Once players have finished placing terrain, a Wood Elf Realms player may place one additional wood measuring between 8" and 12" at its widest point. This may be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is not within their opponent’s deployment zone and not within 12" of the centre of the battlefield.

Enchanted Arrows

Regardless of rank or station, all Wood Elves craft their own arrows; something so crucial to survival should never be left to another’s hand. Many Wood Elves craft enchanted arrows, and it is common that entire kinbands of warriors will carry with them arrows of a specific type. Such arrows can be made in many different ways, the methods by which they are made varying from kindred to kindred, yet throughout Athel Loren, certain types of arrow are favoured.

Some models in the Wood Elf Realms army have the option to purchase enchanted arrows.
These are used in conjunction with the model’s Asrai longbow, modifying the weapon’s profile as follows:
• Arcane Bodkins: Armour offers no protection against these ensorcelled arrows. An Asrai longbow with Arcane Bodkins has an AP of -2.
• Hagbane Tips: Even a scratch from an arrow dipped in Hagbane sap can prove fatal. An Asrai longbow with Hagbane Tips has the Poisoned Attacks special rule.
• Moonfire Shot: Glowing eerily with pale light, the touch of these arrows brings searing agony. An Asrai longbow with Moonfire Shot has the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.
• Swiftshiver Shards: These arrows seem to fly from the bow of their own accord. An Asrai longbow with Swiftshiver Shards has the Multiple Shots (2) special rule.
• Trueflight Arrows: These enchanted arrows seek out their targets with unerring accuracy. An Asrai longbow with Trueflight Arrows has the Ignores Cover and Quick Shot special rules.

Tree Spirit

The ancient spirits of Athel Loren march to war beside the Asrai in defence of their realm, though they remain aloof and distant from their closest allies.

A character with this special rule cannot join a unit without this special rule. A unit with this special rule cannot be joined by, or use the Leadership characteristic of, a character without this special rule. However, a unit with this special rule can use the Leadership characteristic of a friendly character with this special rule that is not fleeing whilst within that character’s Command range.

Hagbane Tips

Even a scratch from an arrow dipped in Hagbane sap can prove fatal.
An Asrai longbow with Hagbane Tips has the Poisoned Attacks special rule.

Guardians Of The Wildwood

Those that take up the Ranger’s glaive have invariably suffered great tragedy at the hands of the dark spirits that reside within the Wildwood. Consequently, they will fight with tremendous ferocity when faced with enemies that would cause a lesser soul to cower in fear.

Whilst it is in base contact with an enemy model that causes Fear or Terror, a model with this special rule gains a +1 modifier to its Attacks characteristics (to a maximum of 10) and the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule.

Mighty Antlers

R S AP Special Rules
Mighty antlers Combat S -1 Armour Bane (1)

Hardwood Flesh

counts as heavy armour

Hunting Spear

R S AP Special Rules
Hunting spear Combat S+1 -2 Armour Bane (1)
Notes: A hunting spear can only be used during a turn in which the wielder charged. In subsequent turns (or if the wielder did not charge) the model must use its hand weapon instead.

The Arrow Of Kurnous

It is traditional for the Wood Elves not to launch into battle until one of their champions has loosed a shot at the heart of the enemy leader. Seldom is this arrow fatal, but fatality is not the intent. Rather, it is a goad to the enemy’s pride and a reminder of their frail mortality.

Once deployment is complete, but before the roll-off to determine which player takes the first turn, if the General of your opponent’s army is within 36" of one or more models in your army that has this special rule, one of those models may fire the Arrow of Kurnous. If the Arrow of Kurnous is fired, the General of your opponent’s army immediately suffers a single Strength 3 hit, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

However, if the Arrow of Kurnous is fired, your opponent adds +1 to their roll when rolling off to determine who takes the first turn.

Trickster’s Blades

R S AP Special Rules
Trickster’s Blades Combat S - Extra Attacks (+D3), Requires Two Hands

Spear Of Loec

R S AP Special Rules
Spear of Loec Combat S+1 -1 Armour Bane (2), Killing Blow

Martial Prowess

Eternal Guard spend many hours mastering the art of the Asrai spear, wielding their weapons with a skill and grace absent from the ranks of their enemies.

A unit with this special rule can make supporting attacks to its flank or rear, as well as to its front.

Moonfire Shot

Glowing eerily with pale light, the touch of these arrows brings searing agony. An Asrai longbow with Moonfire Shot has the Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks special rules.

Oaken Fists

R S AP Special Rules
Oaken fists Combat S -2 -

Trueflight Arrow

These enchanted arrows seek out their targets with unerring accuracy. An Asrai longbow with Trueflight Arrows has the Ignores Cover and Quick Shot special rules.


R S AP Special Rules
Strangleroots 12" S -1 Multiple Shots (D6+1)

Ranger’s Glaive

R S AP Special Rules
Ranger’s glaive Combat S+2 -2 Requires Two Hands

Soporific Breath

R S AP Special Rules
Soporific breath N/A 2 N/A Breath Weapon
Notes: No armour save is permitted against wounds caused by soporific breath (Ward and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal).

Talismanic Tattoos

Some Asrai decorate themselves with swirling tattoos, the mystical meanings of which protect the wearer from harm.

Talismanic Tattoos give their wearer a 6+ Ward save against any wounds suffered.

Troubadour Of Loec

The deadly dance of a Shadowdancer melds seamlessly with that of the troupe they lead.

A Shadowdancer that joins a unit of Wardancers is considered to have the Dances of Loec special rule for as long as they remain with the unit (see page 131).