
Centigors are inclined to drink vast quantities of noxious liquor before battle. While this sometimes turns them into berserk fighters, it can also severely incapacitate them.

During the Start of Turn sub-phase of each of your turns, roll on the Drunken table for each unit with this special rule that is not currently Frenzied, that is not engaged in combat and that is not fleeing:

Drunken Table
D6 Result
1 Unsteady: The unit has become somewhat unsteady. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Random Movement special rule and its Movement characteristic becomes D6+2.
2-5 Sobering Up: The alcohol has no discernible effect upon the unit.
6 Belligerent Drunks: The unit has turned quite belligerent. Until its next Start of Turn sub-phase, the unit is subject to the Frenzy special rule. A unit with this special rule may become Frenzied in this way even if it has lost Frenzy earlier in the game.