Hochgeborene Elfen


Mage's honours


Master of Spellcrafting

The Wizard’s spells have their Casting Value reduced by 1. When performing a Casting Attempt with a single Magic Dice, a natural roll of ‘1’ or ‘2’ is always a failed Casting Attempt, regardless of any modifiers.

Baleig Highlander

The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher. The unit loses Scoring.

Baleig Highlanders

The model gains Hard Target (1), Light Troops, and Skirmisher.

Know 2 extra spell

Cover Volley

Attack Attribute - Shooting.
When an enemy unit declares a Charge against another unit containing one or more models with Martial Discipline in the Charge Phase, a single friendly unit containing one or more models with Cover Volley may immediately perform a Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction with the following conditions and restrictions:
• The distance between the Charger and the Charged unit must be greater than the Charger’s Advance Rate (using the lowest value among the Charging models if there is more than one).
• The unit with Cover Volley is within 12″ of the Charged unit.
• Only model parts with Cover Volley may shoot, and they may only shoot once per Charge Phase.
• The unit must use Stand and Shoot before the Charged unit declares its Charge Reaction. If the Charge is no longer possible after the unit’s Stand and Shoot (e.g. due to the Charging unit being destroyed or failing a Panic Test), the Charged unit does not declare any Charge Reaction.
• The Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction is performed as if the enemy had declared the Charge against the unit with Cover Volley in their current position (apply the normal rules for the Stand and Shoot Charge Reaction, i.e. the Charging unit must be Located in the Front Arc of the unit with Cover Volley, the unit with Cover Volley cannot be Shaken or Fleeing, etc.).

Martial Discipline

If more than half of a unit’s models have Martial Discipline, their Discipline Tests are subject to Minimised Roll except for Panic and Break Tests.

Drain Magic

Range 18", Type Universal, Duration Instant.
All spells with Duration Lasts one Turn affecting the target immediately come to an end. If any of these spells had more than one target, their effects also end for these targets.

Fae Miasma

Close Combat and Shooting.
This Attack Attribute can only be used with Longbows and Paired Weapons.
When a unit is hit by attacks with Fae Miasma, it must take a Resilience Test for each hit, using the Resilience that the largest proportion of models in the unit has (use the higher value in case of a tie). If one or more Resilience Tests are failed, all models in the unit are affected by Fae Miasma until the start of the Active Player's next Player Turn. A model that is affected by (one or more instances of) Fae Miasma suffers a -1 to-hit modifier (both for Shooting Attacks and Close Combat Attacks).


The model may perform a Sweeping Attack.
The enemy unit suffers D6 hits and an additional D3 hits for each rank after the first. The Grind Attacks and Sweeping Attacks are resolved with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Flaming Attacks.

Fire Phoenix

Universal Rule.
The Phoenix model part gains Aegis (2+, against Flaming Attacks), Flaming Attacks, and Grind Attacks (D6).
The model may perform a Sweeping Attack. The enemy unit suffers D6 hits and an additional D3 hits for each rank after the first.
The Grind Attacks and Sweeping Attacks are resolved with Strength 4, Armour Penetration 1, and Flaming Attacks.

Moonlight Arrows

This Attack Attribute can only be used with Bows or Longbows without Weapon Enchantments. The attacks become Flaming Attacks and Magical Attacks, and have their Strength set to 4 and their Armour Penetration set to 1.

Lion's Fur

If on foot, the wearer gains +1 Armour which is improved to +2 Armour against Shooting Attacks.
Lion's Fur cannot be taken by a model with Dragonforged Armour.


The model gains Aegis (5+), Fearless, and Supernal. Enemy units in base contact with one or more Frost
Phoenixes suffer −2 Agility, −2 Offensive Skill, and −2 Defensive Skill.

Frost Phoenix

Universal Rule.
The model gains Aegis (5+), Fearless, and Supernal. Enemy units in base contact with one or more Frost Phoenixes suffer −2 Agility, −2 Offensive Skill, and −2 Defensive Skill.

Warden's Bond

Universal Rule.
The model gains +1 Discipline, Martial Discipline and passes its Rebirth roll on 3+ instead of 5+.
The Phoenix model part gains Harnessed. The model gains an additional model part:
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Model Rules
Warden's Bond 2 5 3 0 6 Halberd, Lightning Reflexes

Giant See, Giant Do

Universal Rule.
The model gains Light Armour and Martial Discipline.

Honours: Fleet Officer

+2 to-hit when using a Sky Reaper. When rolling to determine which player chooses their Deployment Zone, add +1 if there are one or more Fleet Officers in the Army. All models with Martial Discipline within the model's range of Rally Around the Flag or Commanding Presence (if applicable) also have their Panic Tests subject to
minimised roll.

Honours : Royal Huntsman

the model’s unit gains Valiant. When using a Great Weapon, the bearer gains Multiple Wounds (2, against Large Beasts, Large Cavalry, Gigantic).

Honours : Asfad Scholar

The Range of spells cast by the Wizard is increased by 6", except for Aura spells which only increase in range by 3". Spells with the type: Caster or Caster’s Unit, and Bound Spells are not affected. The Wizard may cast Drain Magic as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8).
Drain Magic: Range 18", Type Universal, Duration Instant.
All spells with Duration Lasts one Turn affecting the target immediately come to an end. If any of these spells had more than one target, their effects also end for these targets.

Honours : High Warden of the Flame

Honours : Order of the Fiery Heart

ignores the Missile and Damage spell
Types for Molten Copper (Alchemy) and all Pyromancy spells, but only when targeting units which are
Engaged in Combat with the model.
The first time in each Magic Phase that the bearer successfully casts a Learned Spell, its mount (if
there is any) gains +1 Advance Rate, +2 March Rate, and +2 Attack Value. The effects last until the start
of the owner’s next Magic Phase.

Honours : Queen's Companion

When shooting with a Longbow without Weapon Enchantment, the weapon gains Shots 3.

Master of Canreig Tower

It knows 3 spells, and always knows The Oaken Throne in addition to these spells. Fountain of Youth becomes the Attribute Spell for all non-Bound Learned Spells cast by the model (except The Oaken Throne) , replacing the spells' corresponding Attribute Spells where applicable.


The model is immune to the effects of Fear. If more than half of a unit's models have Valiant, the unit automatically
passes Panic Tests caused by Terror.

Lion Cloak and Axe

Universal Rule.
The model replaces its Light Armour with Lion’s Fur and gains Multiple Wounds (2, against Large and Beasts,
Large and Cavalry, Gigantic).

Steady Aim

Attack Attribute - Shooting.
The model can shoot from the third rank (in
addition to the 1st and 2nd) and it does not suffer
to-hit penalties for Stand and Shoot Charge


Universal Rule.
The first time a Phoenix loses its last Health Point, the owner must roll a D6. On a roll of 5+ (or 3+ if the model has Warden's Bond), remove the model and place a marker where its centre was. If the roll fails, the model counts as a casualty. Otherwise, at the start of step 3 of the Movement Phase Sequence (after Rallying Fleeing units) in the next Player Turn, the Phoenix model is placed back on the Battlefield. The centre of the model must be placed within 3" of the marker and the model must be placed more than 1" away from other units and Impassable Terrain, facing any direction (if this is not possible, the Phoenix cannot return and counts as a casualty). The returned model is the same model that left the game, including any and all ongoing effects (such as spells affecting the model), with the exception that it always returns with only 1 Health Point left and counts as Rallied in case it was Fleeing when it lost its last Health Point (and thus is Shaken until the end of the Player Turn).


Universal Rule.
The first time a Phoenix loses its last Health Point, the owner must roll a D6. The roll is succesful on a roll of 5+
(or 3+ if the model has Warden’s Bond):
• Remove the model as a casualty as usual, but place a marker on the centre of the model’s final position.
• In the next Player Turn, at the start of step 3 of the Movement Phase Sequence (after Rallying Fleeing units), the Phoenix model is placed back on the Battlefield. The centre of the model must be placed within 3″ of the marker and the model must be placed more than 1″ away from other units and Impassable Terrain, facing any direction.
• If the model cannot be placed following these rules, it cannot return for the rest of the game.
• The returned model is the same model that left the game, including any and all ongoing effects (such as spells affecting the model), with the exception that it always returns with only 1 Health Point left and counts as Rallied in case it was Fleeing when it lost its last Health Point (and thus is Shaken until the end of the Player Turn).
• The model does not grant Victory Point for being Destroyed if it still has Health Points left at the end of the
If the roll fails, follow the normal rules (i.e the model is removed as a casualty)

Sword Sworn

Attack Attribute - Close Combat.
The model part gains a +1 to-hit modifier when attacking with a Great Weapon.