

The Conclave: Spells from Divination gain +3″ range up to a maximum of +9″ for each additional friendly Wizard within 12″ of the Caster.
This bonus can never increase the combined modifier beyond +9″, however other sources may.

(1) Kenne deinen Feind

Gießen Art Dauer
<7+> {12+} Augment
Angebot <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

The target gains +2 Offensive Skill, +2 Defensive Skill, and +2 Agility.

(2) Schicksalsurteil

Gießen Art Dauer
<5+> {9+} Hex Missile Damage
Angebot 18"

The target suffers <1D3> {1D6} hits that wound automatically with Armour Penetration 0 and Magical Attacks, with no Special Saves allowed (note that Armour Saves are allowed).

(3) Hellsicht

Gießen Art Dauer
<7+> {12+} Augment
Angebot <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

Das Ziel erhält Ablenkend und Schwieriges Ziel.

(4) Gunst der Sterne

Gießen Art Dauer
<8+> {12+} Augment
Angebot <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

Das Ziel erhält Heilige Attacken und muss misslungene Trefferwürfe mit Nahkampf- und Schussattacken wiederholen.

(5) Unfehlbarer Angriff

Gießen Art Dauer
<7+> {10+} Hex Missile Damage
Angebot 18"

The target suffers <2D6>{3D6}​ hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 1, Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks.

(6) Zeichen des Untergangs

Gießen Art Dauer
8+ Hex
Angebot 24"

When calculating Combat Score, a side with units containing at least one model affected by the spell suffers −X to its Combat Score (for each affected unit and instance of the spell), where X is equal to the number of Characters in the unit, increased by 1 if the unit contains any R&F models.
A Character leaving a unit that was the target of the spell no longer is affected by the spell, unless the Character was a single model unit that was the initial target of the spell.

(EIN) Wegweisendes Licht

Gießen Art Dauer
Angebot 12"
One Turn

Discipline Tests of units with all models affected by the spell are subject to Minimised Roll.
A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than once per Magic Phase.