

The Conclave: Spells from Divination gain +3″ range up to a maximum of +9″ for each additional friendly Wizard within 12″ of the Caster.
This bonus can never increase the combined modifier beyond +9″, however other sources may.

(1) Conosci il tuo nemico

getto Tipo Durata
<7+> {12+}+ Augment
Gamma <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

The target gains +2 Offensive Skill, +2 Defensive Skill, and +2 Agility.

(2) Fate's Judgement

getto Tipo Durata
<5+> {9+}+ Hex Missile Damage
Gamma 18"

The target suffers <1D3> {1D6} hits that wound automatically with Armour Penetration 0 and Magical Attacks, with no Special Saves allowed (note that Armour Saves are allowed).

(3) Scrutare

getto Tipo Durata
<7+> {12+}+ Augment
Gamma <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

The target gains Distracting and Hard Target.

(4) Le stelle si allineano

getto Tipo Durata
<8+> {12+}+ Augment
Gamma <18"> {6"Aura}
One Turn

The target gains Divine Attacks. In addition, it must reroll failed to-hit rolls with Close Combat <and Shooting> Attacks.

(5) Colpo infallibile

getto Tipo Durata
<7+> {10+}+ Hex Missile Damage
Gamma 18"

The target suffers <2D6>{3D6}​ hits that wound on 4+ with Armour Penetration 1, Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks.

(6) Presagio di morte

getto Tipo Durata
8++ Hex
Gamma 24"

When calculating Combat Score, a side with units containing at least one model affected by the spell suffers −X to its Combat Score (for each affected unit and instance of the spell), where X is equal to the number of Characters in the unit, increased by 1 if the unit contains any R&F models.
A Character leaving a unit that was the target of the spell no longer is affected by the spell, unless the Character was a single model unit that was the initial target of the spell.

(UN) Luce guida

getto Tipo Durata
+ Augment
Gamma 12"
One Turn

Discipline Tests of units with all models affected by the spell are subject to Minimised Roll.
A unit cannot be affected by this spell more than once per Magic Phase.