Strike the Rune

An Anvil of Doom is crafted with the express intention of attracting the Winds of Magic.
The runic inlays enable a skilled smith to channel these into their work, thus creating the rune magic their people are famed for. In battle, certain runic devices can be forged and then broken, unleashing their full might upon the foe.

An Anvil of Doom can cast the following Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3:

Rune Of Oath & Steel
Dwarf mail hardens, each suit of armour remembering the hammer blows that forged it.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+ /11+
Range: 24"
Effect: If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 7 or more, the target friendly unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls. If this Bound spell is cast with a casting result of 11 or more, the target friendly unit may re-roll any failed Armour Save rolls and improves its armour value by 1 (to a maximum of 2+). This spell lasts until your next Start of Turn sub-phase.

Rune Of Hearth & Home
Dawi hearts fill with a mighty desire to defend their hold, clan and ancestors.
Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 7+
Range: Self
Effect: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, all friendly Dwarf units within 21" of the Anvil of Doom gain the Immune to Psychology special rule.

Rune Of Haste & Urgency
As the runes are struck, time slows around the marching Dwarf throng.
Type: Conveyance
Casting Value: 10+
Range: 24"
Effect: If the target friendly unit is not fleeing and has already moved during this Movement phase, it may immediately move again.

Rune Of Wrath & Ruin
The very earth cracks beneath the feet of the enemy, venting forth fire and sulphur.
Type: Magic Missile
Casting Value: 9+
Range: 27"
Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits, each with an AP of -2.