Undying Dynasties

Undying Dynasties (2024 Review 2)


Blessed Wrappings

max 1 per Army

The bearer gains +1 Health Point and loses Flammable if it had it (note that this does not prevent the model from gaining Flammable from other sources).

Death Mask of Teput

max 1 per Army

Enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer -2 Offensive Skill.

Ankh of Naptesh

max 1 per Army

The bearer gains Hierophant and can never lose it. R&F models in the bearer's unit gain Fortitude (6+).

Sekhem Sceptre

max 1 per Army

The bearer gains Autonomous and Stubborn.

Crown of the Pharaohs

max 1 per Army

Pharaohs and Nomarchs onlyThe bearer increases the range of its Commanding Presence by 6". At the start of each of your Player Turns, the bearer may lose Undying Will until the start of your next Player Turn and choose a friendly unit within 12". This unit gains Undying Will until the start of your next Player Turn.

Sacred Hourglass

max 1 per Army (Dominant)

The bearer may reroll failed Casting Attempts that were rolled using 2 Magic Dice (by rerolling both Magic Dice).

Scroll of Desiccation

max 1 per Army

After determining Deployment Zones (at the end of step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Field, Forest, or Water Terrain Feature. This Terrain Feature ceases to be the Terrain Feature it used to be and loses all its rules. It is treated as Dangerous Terrain (1) for all enemy units. The effects last until the end of the game, even if the bearer is removed as a casualty.

Steeds of Nephet-Ra

max 1 per Army

Models with at least one Skeletal Horse model part in the bearer's unit gain Ghost Step and +4" March Rate.

Sandstorm Cloak

max 1 per Army

The bearer gains Fly (5", 15"), Light Troops, and Swiftstride, and can perform a Sweeping Attack that causes 2D6 hits with Strength 2 and Armour Penetration 1.

Book of the Dead

max 1 per Army

The bearer can cast Death is Only the Beginning as a Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8) and the following modification: The spell's range is changed to 12" Aura.

Armour Enchantments

Sun's Embrace

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Shield)

The bearer gains Distracting while using this Shield.

Jackal's Blessing

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Suit of Armour)

The wearer gains +2 Health Points and Fortitude (5+).

Weapon Enchantments


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Great Weapon)

The wielder gains +1 Attack Value while using this weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Divine Attacks and Magical Attacks, and gain Multiple Wounds (2, against Aegis) (note that the latter also applies against models with Aegis Saves with Conditional Application).

Scourge of Kings

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons)

While using this weapon, the wielder's Attack Value is set to 6. Attacks made with this weapon become Magical Attacks and, when fighting a Duel must reroll failed to-wound rolls.

Banner enchantement

Banner of the Entombed

max 2 per Army

If taken by a Character, the bearer gains Underground Ambush. If taken by a R&F model, the bearer's unit gains Underground Ambush and additional models cannot be added to the unit during Army List creation. Standard Height models using this banner to Ambush must arrive in a formation containing exactly 5 models per rank (except for the last) and cannot make a Reform (or a Swift Reform) during this Player Turn. Units with Underground Ambush also count towards Entombed.

Insegna della velocit

max 3 per Army

A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.

Stendardo dell'oppressore

max 3 per Army

The bearer’s unit gains Strider.

Icona d'etere

max 3 per Army

The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.

Insegna della disciplina

max 3 per Army

The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.

Stendardo infuocato

max 3 per Army

One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit.
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.

Insegna della compagnia implacabile

max 3 per Army

One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.

Stendardo della legione

max 3 per Army

A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.

Racial Trait Spell

Undying Dynasties do not have a regular Hereditary Spell. Instead, all Death Cult Hierarchs know the Hereditary Attribute Spell Death is Only the Beginning (in addition to Path Attributes). At step 1 of each Casting Attempt of a non-Attribute non-Bound Spell of type Augment with a Death Cult Hierarch, the owner may declare that the Wizard will cast an amplified version of the spell:
• If the spell targets one or more units containing any models with Ensouled Statue, the Casting Value of the amplified version is increased by 2.
• If the amplified version is successfully cast, Death is Only the Beginning is automatically cast (as an Attribute Spell).

getto Tipo Durata Effetto
A Death is Only the Beginning When resolving the spell, choose one of the following effects:
• The R&F part of the target Raises a number of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.
• Up to one Character within the target Recovers a number of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.

Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot Recover more than 2 Health Points from this spell in a single Magic Phase.

*The spell targets a single unit that was the target of the spell that triggered the Hereditary Attribute Spell.
Mf -+ Augment
Gamma See below*
When resolving the spell, choose one of the following effects:
• The R&F part of the target Raises a number of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.
• Up to one Character within the target Recovers a number of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.

Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot Recover more than 2 Health Points from this spell in a single Magic Phase.

*The spell targets a single unit that was the target of the spell that triggered the Hereditary Attribute Spell.

Army Organisation



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Ancient Ordnance

Ancient Ordnance

(35% Max)



(30% Max)

Mason’s Menagerie

Mason’s Menagerie

(35% Max)

Terracotta Army



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Ancient Ordnance

Ancient Ordnance

(35% Max)



(30% Max)

Mason’s Menagerie

Mason’s Menagerie

(35% Max)

Barrow Legion



(40% Max)



(25% Min)



(No Limit)

Ancient Ordnance

Ancient Ordnance

(35% Max)



(30% Max)

Mason’s Menagerie

Mason’s Menagerie

(35% Max)



mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 9 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
4 6 5 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Pharaoh 4 6 5 2 3

Enchantment options

90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
15 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts


100 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

80 pts
65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts

(foot only)

30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry
20 pts


fino a 200 pts
5 pts
55 pts
25 pts

(foot only)

15 pts
5 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
25 pts
80 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

Mount options

Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
20 pts
75 pts
320 pts


mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 9 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 5 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Nomarch 2 4 4 1 3

Enchantment options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
15 pts


100 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

80 pts
65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts

(foot only)

30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry


15 pts
fino a 100 pts
5 pts
55 pts
25 pts

(foot only)

15 pts
5 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
80 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

Mount options

Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
15 pts
50 pts
285 pts

Tomb Harbinger

mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 7 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 5 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Tomb Harbinger 3 4 4 1 3

Enchantment options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
15 pts


100 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

80 pts
65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts

(foot only)

30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


10 pts
fino a 100 pts
5 pts
55 pts
25 pts

(foot only)

15 pts
5 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
30 pts
15 pts
5 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
80 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

Mount options

Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
20 pts

(0-2 Units per Army)

50 pts
60 pts

Tomb Architect

mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 7 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Tomb Architect 2 4 4 1 3
Tomb Architect:

Enchantment options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
15 pts


100 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

80 pts
65 pts
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts

(foot only)

30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry


10 pts
fino a 100 pts
5 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

Mount options

Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
10 pts
25 pts
25 pts

Death Cult Hierarch

mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 7 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 3 3 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Death Cult Hierarch 1 3 3 0 2
Death Cult Hierarch:

Enchantment options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts

Magic options

95 pts
265 pts


100 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

80 pts
65 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

50 pts
50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

50 pts
50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit)

45 pts
40 pts
40 pts
35 pts
35 pts
35 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts
30 pts

(foot only)

30 pts
30 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
10 pts
10 pts

Command group options

Max one General by Army Max 1 entry


10 pts
fino a 100 pts
5 pts
90 pts
80 pts
70 pts
50 pts
40 pts
15 pts
20 pts
10 pts

Mount options

Select at least one mount option Min 0 entry
Select at most one mount option Max 1 entry
15 pts
120 pts

Casket of Phatep

mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 4" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Necropolis Guards 3 3 4 1 3


10 pts

Mount Skeletal Horse

mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Regole del modello
8" 16" C
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse:



Mount Skeleton Chariot

mod. singolo
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Regole del modello
8" 10" C
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
C C C C+1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2
Chassis 4 1



Mount Ark of Ages

mod. singolo
Globali Ava Mar Dis Regole del modello
4" 8" C
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 C 5 C+2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Guard(2) 1 3 4 1 3
Bound Spirits 2 2 2 0 2
Chassis 5 2




145pti + 6 pti/modello extra
20-60 modello
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 4 7
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Skeleton 1 2 3 0 2

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
Core Ancient Ordnance

Skeleton Archers

115pti + 8 pti/modello extra
10-30 modello
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 4 6
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Skeleton Archer 1 2 3 0 2
Skeleton Archer:

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


1 pts/mod.

Skeleton Cavalry

150pti + 10 pti/modello extra
10-24 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
8" 16" 6 4
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
1 3 3 1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Rider 1 3 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse:

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


1 pts/mod.
2 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
Core Ancient Ordnance

Skeleton Scouts

145pti + 9 pti/modello extra
5-10 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
8" 16" 6 4
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
1 3 3 1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Rider 1 3 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse:

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


1 pts/mod.

Skeleton Chariots

250pti + 70 pti/modello extra
3-7 modello
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
8" 10" 7 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 3 4 1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Charioteer 2 3 3 0 2
Skeletal Horse 1 2 3 0 2
Chassis 4 1

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-2 per Army)

45 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


(0-6 Models per Unit)

17 pts/mod.
7 pts/mod.
5 pts/mod.

Necropolis Guard

190pti + 16 pti/modello extra
15-40 modello
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 8" 8 4
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
1 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Necropolis Guard 1 3 4 1 3

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


(0-35 Models per Unit)

1 pts/mod.

(0-30 Models per Unit)

5 pts/mod.
1 pts/mod.
3 pts/mod.
3 pts/mod.

Tomb Cataphracts

285pti + 110 pti/modello extra
3-6 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
7" 14" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 4 3
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Rider 2 4 4 1 3
Amuut 3 3 5 2 3

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


10 pts/mod.


175pti + 70 pti/modello extra
3-8 modello
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 5 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
6" 12" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 4 2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Shabti 3 4 5 2 3

Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


10 pts/mod.
12 pts/mod.

Great Vultures

130pti + 15 pti/modello extra
3-9 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
2" 4" 4 3
fly 9" 18"
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
2 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Great Vulture 3 3 4 1 3
Great Vulture:



Scarab Swarms

105pti + 40 pti/modello extra
2-6 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
5" 10" 7 4
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 3 2 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Scarab Swarm 5 3 2 1 3


(0-4 Models per Unit, 0-7 Models per Army)

30 pts/mod.
15 pts/mod.
Ancient Ordnance
Ancient Ordnance

Shabti Archers

170pti + 76 pti/modello extra
3-8 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
6" 12" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 4 4 2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Shabti Archer 3 4 5 1 3
Shabti Archer:


Command group options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts
Ancient Ordnance

Sand Stalkers

275pti + 70 pti/modello extra
3-4 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
7" 14" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
3 3 4 2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Sand Stalker 2 3 4 1 3
Sand Stalker:

Command group options

10 pts


15 pts/mod.
Ancient Ordnance

Charnel Catapult

mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
4" 4" 4 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 1 4 0
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Crew 3 2 3 0 2


10 pts/mod.

Sand Scorpion

mod. singolo
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
7" 14" 8 2
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
4 4 5 2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Sand Scorpion 4 4 5 2 3


Mason’s Menagerie
Mason’s Menagerie

Battle Sphinx

mod. singolo
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
5" 12" 8 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 4 8 3
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Rider 2 4 4 1 3
Battle Sphinx 4 4 5 2 1


Mason’s Menagerie

Dread Sphinx

mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
6" 12" 8 1
fly 6" 12"
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 5 8 3
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Dread Sphinx 5 5 5 1 0


Mason’s Menagerie

Tomb Reapers

260pti + 145 pti/modello extra
2-4 modello
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Max 3 Modelli/Esercito (Barrow Legion)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
6" 12" 10 1
fly 6" 12"
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
4 5 5 2
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Tomb Reaper 4 5 5 2 4
Tomb Reaper:


15 pts/mod.
20 pts/mod.
Mason’s Menagerie


mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
6" 12" 8 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
5 4 6 3
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Colossus 6 4 6 3 2


5 pts

(0-1 Units per Army)

15 pts
30 pts
Mason’s Menagerie

Ancient Giant

mod. singolo
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Army Organisation)
Max 2 Modelli/Esercito (Terracotta Army)
Globali Ava Mar Dis Rsr Regole del modello
7" 14" 8 1
Difensive Vit Dif Res Arm
7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off For Pen Agi
Ancient Giant 5 3 5 2 3
Ancient Giant:


25 pts
20 pts
20 pts